Ch. 7: Sanity Bursts Asunder, Does Hope Arrive?

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(A/N): Ok, never mind about the whole 'putting a song on each chapter' thingy. It's hard to find a good song that's enjoyable to everyone but sticks to the theme of the chapter at the same time. I'll just do that when I want to.



[What happened to The Green-Haired Angel.]

[Mountainside, 10:15 AM JST]

Izuku POV

"WHY?! WHY?! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!? WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!" I shouted furiously all the while repeatedly banging my head on a trunk of a tree. I was grabbing my hair like my life depended on it, losing a few strands of hair every time I shake my head. The skin on my forehead had torn apart, with blood spewing out down towards my neck, painting my teeth and the scleras on my eyes red.

For the last eleven minutes, I've been banging my head repeatedly, because my head felt like it had a splitting headache. No normal headaches could even match the one that I felt right then and there. It felt like something was inside my head, making a mess inside my mind and making my sanity go haywire.

What the woman said to me kept on flashing inside my mind ever since I came back to the real world, thrashing around inside my mind. It was as if my mind is an office, and a worker had lost their mind over the stress and destroyed everything in it, making it all a pile of mess.


The woman's body had dissolved into a cloud of toxic green-colored smoke and disappeared into thin air, leaving me alone on top of a mountain I just destroyed, but before she truly disappeared she whispered something to my ear.

"You did this, boy~... If only you didn't exist in this world in the first place~..."

As she said the last word of her sentence, the weight of my burden became too heavy for me to carry. It was like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I felt like dying, as my vision became distorted. In a blink of an eye, in front of me were millions of rotten corpses, including the people I care about the most: Ochako, Mom, and Dad, dragging my feet down to the fiery depths of hell.

I couldn't react clearly to what was happening, as the borderline between illusion and reality was vague. I could only watch helplessly as my vision began to spin around, making the image of the already terrifying sight into a psychedelic horror show.

I felt like I wanna hurl at their faces.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT DEKU!! YOUR FAULT! IF ONLY YOU WERE NEVER BORN, WE WOULDN'T'VE DIED HORRIBLE DEATHS!!" Ochako shouted at me with flames bursting out of her hollow eyes and mouth, her tone full of resentment and anger.

The love of my life suffering in such a cruel way quickly brought guilt over to me. My heart felt like it stopped at seeing such a heart-wrenching sight. The usual expression of sunlight on her face was no more, replaced by the expression of hatred, resentment, and anger. It was as if she had the flames of hell itself on her face, and it made me want to puke my guts out. Not of disgust, but of the great guilt that was weighing down my heart.

'No...Please no, Ochako...this is not you-'

"Izuku...Honey...Why?...Why did you kill us..?" Mom weakly said to me as tears fell down her maggot-filled eyes. Her kind emerald eyes were sullied by such disgusting creatures. It was heartbreaking. Utterly, truly, heartbreaking. Seeing her in such a state was like a hot serrated dagger was being stabbed right through my heart, before being shaken around, making the wound on my heart bigger.

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