The Silence

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Image from piccrew

It's the sound of birds chirping, so loud it makes you scream

It's the cicadas by the river that hurt even your spleen

It's the pain of a woodpecker, knocking at your brain

It's the same as a nuisance, calling out your name

It's the ticking of a clock, that never needs winding

Or the flipping of pages in desperate need of binding

The screams of a rabbit as it jumps its final leap

It's the voices of the silent that will not let you sleep

The howling of the wind cutting through your tears

It's the yowling of a cat not ready to face its fears

The crying of a child who's mother has gone

The whimpering of the wild as it loses another fawn

The calling of a whale who will never find a mate

The falling of a bouquet that will never come to a date

The screech of a violin with strings out of tune

A trumpet blaring out Au Claire De La Lune

The sound of a room filled with metal bugs

All of their wing clicking an clacking as they tear up the rugs

A silence so loud you could go insane

The silence so loud

tinnitus is its name

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