Fire of the Heart

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I've never loved someone before.

Not romantically.

But you seemed to have changed something.

Your touch is warm to my cold heart.

Your embrace makes me feverish.

You lit a fire in me.

But behind it all I carried an extinguisher.

No matter how much I sprayed that flame, it came back.

Each time burning brighter.

I heard you loved someone else.

The flame finally began to burn out.

Why did I try to bring it back so desperately after months of stepping on it?

Well, the flame is still here.

But, it's weakening.

So am I.

Your love was returned but I pushed you away while trying to hold you close.

This fire is burning me, my heart pains when I know we can't be.

I told you to wait for me...

But I'm losing faith in us both.

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