Black and White

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Why are there so many that believe racism is active in society?
What happened to greeting your neighbors without caring about their race?
Why do so many believe the news when it says that everything is a hate crime?
What happened to being able to voice your opinion without censorship?
What happened to love without hate?
Why does no one care when you say that you're straight rather than part of the LGBTQ?
Why does anyone who isn't part of a protected community get silenced?
Where did the ability to have an opinion go?
What happened to casual speech and strolls on the beach?
What happened to liking yourself?
What happened to learning about every culture rather than just two?
Where did the masculinity of men go?
When did women begin to think femininity was wrong?
Nothing is so black and white as yes and no, none of these questions have a single word answer that speaks for itself and each is important in it's own right
Tell me
Where has this world gone?

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