Summer Rain

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The glass windowpane is the only thing keeping the drizzle outside from hitting my face as I stare out at the field of grain behind my house. The drops falling from the sky were not here before the last five minutes passed, in other words, the rain was caused by a cloudburst. A cloudburst comes suddenly and leaves just as fast.

I gaze out at the bush of roses beneath the window sill, the droplets gathering on the petals of wilting flowers. Water kills, heals, and brings life into every living being. Water is used as a punishment, a reward, and a home. The roses grow back each year because of my mother's tender care, the grain is healthy and profitable from my father's hard work. The frost in the winter shields all from the bite of the cold, the leaves of autumn replenish the soil, the rain in the spring rejuvenates the ground, and the sunshine in the summer warms the earth.

I sit up in my chair and walk to the coffee table, where my mug of herbal tea is cooling off. Raising my arm I lift the warm liquid to my mouth, the bitter lemon I mixed in puckering my lips. Then I sit down again, looking out the wet windowpane at the clear skies above and the dewy ground below.

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