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The sidewalk has cracks up to kingdom come, the road breaking down beside it.

The homes are overgrown with ivy and moss, slowing breaking down into the ground.

Glass shattered across the floor, the remaining panes like coloured water blurring the image through an opening in the wall.

Animals overrun the streets, squirrels and birds make homes in  broken headlights.

Racoons dig through trash bags filled with nothing more than dust and moss.

A town filled with nature.

A sky of birds and bugs.

A home broken in.

A church filled with impurities.

A school to learn from.

A deer stares at it all...then turns away

A wanderer sits at a rock in the center of it all, wondering about what happened here.

The wonderer falls to the ground, his bones crumbling to dust.

Dust settles on this broken town covering all surfaces.

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