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Hello and welcome to my book of OCs! This is not my main storage place for my characters, but I have a few in here for when I'm doing art trades or am getting an art payment.

All my characters are watermarked to prevent theft! The watermarks are not part of any character's designs. I used my Instagram username (jackaljackie) as a watermark instead of my Wattpad username (UltraJackieJackal). If you steal them anyway I'll break your legs off and beat you with them.

There are a few dividers to separate different types of OCs. One is for basic characters, one is for story characters, one is for my sonas, and one is for the Survivors (aka my main story characters.)

Most of these characters were designed by other people and given/traded to me. I will try my best to give design credits, but I don't always know who did which OC. If you know who created the character and see that I don't, please let me know!

Again, this is not my main OC storage. If you'd like to view all my OCs, you can find them on my ToyHouse. My username there is JackieJackal.

I think that's it! Thank you for reading and enjoy!

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