Chapter 2

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Meanwhile at the Evans' house

Lily woke up excited and eager to see her friends. She was on Easter break and missed chatting and laughing with them, especially since she had no one else to talk to at home other than her parents, as her sister resented her for no reason other than for being a 'freak'. Lily never understood the reason why her sister hated her so much, she had always tried to reconnect and interact with her, yet her sister just kept pushing her away, so overtime Lily decided to give her space, and stopped trying to talk to her as often.

She got up and out of bed, and started to get ready. She washed her face and brushed her teeth, and changed into a red dress. She then braided her hair, before finally going down for breakfast, with 45 minutes left until it was time to meet up with her friends.

"Hello dear" Mrs.Evans greeted her daughter as she walked in.

"Hey mum" Lily replied with a smile. "Hey dad" Lily turned to look at Mr.Evans. She then turned to look at her sister, and hesitated for a moment before saying "Hey tuney"

Petunia looked up and shot a glare at her sister, before looking back down at her magazine. Petunia then got up from the table, making her plate clatter and her chair scrape loudly across the floor, before marching upstairs into her room.

Lily watched, slightly disappointed, though not surprised, as her sister left the room. She finished her plate of eggs and toast, before making her way to The Three Broomsticks.

Before she left, however, her mother started speaking. "Oh, dear, before I forget, I just want to tell you that you can bring some of your lovely magical friends over, I would love to get to know the wizarding ways and this new world you're involved in" Lily could hear the hopefulness in her mother's tone, so she nodded silently before leaving.

Lily arrived ten minutes early, and took a seat at a table outside The Three Broomsticks. She got a cup of tea to drink while she was waiting, and patiently sat there for 9 minutes, until it was 11:01am. She was beginning to wonder if anyone would show up at all, before she saw the figure of James Potter approaching her in the distance. She let out a breath she didn't realise she had been holding and waved him over. James took a seat in the chair next to Lily. "Hey Evans, no one else here yet?" He asked, looking around.

"No, you're the only other person to arrive yet, actually" Lily replied with a smile, and at that moment she looked up at James, who she realised was much closer than she expected, and realised just how lovely his eyes were. Butterflies started welling up in her stomach, as she looked into his bright hazel eyes. She felt trapped in a maze that she never wanted to escape from. They held their gaze for three long minutes, until Frank and Remus joined them. Turns out they bumped into each other while walking out of The Three Broomsticks, and so walked towards the latter together. Lily and James both looked away, a light blush evident on their faces.

After a while, Alice, Sirius, Peter, Marlene and Molly had all slowly arrived and taken a seat. Once everyone had settled down and had a small chat, Lily led everyone to the muggle funfair they had all met up to go to.

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