Chapter 3

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Lily led the other 8 people towards the funfair. Once they arrived, she took them to the ticket booth and bought some tickets to the rides, while the others looked around at their surroundings.

"This is amazing! It's so big. And crowded! And it smells so good!" James said as he nudged Sirius, who was already drooling.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah, yeah" Sirius waved him off, not wanting to take his eyes off of the Candy Floss Stand for even a second.

"I hope you guys are ready, because I've got!!" Lily held up both of her fists which were filled with yellow card-like items.

Everyone exchanged looks, but decided not to ask, and just went along with it.

They followed Lily, who was headed towards a game which looked to be small cars driving around and bumping into each other.

"Bumper cars!" Lily squealed. She ran up to the man in the booth (a bald man who was probably in his mid-thirties), and gave him 9 tickets. "Come on" Lily yelled behind her shoulder "everyone get into a car!"

Because Lily was the most experienced at this, they all listened and got into a car. James chose a dark red one, Sirius chose a black one, Remus chose a dark blue one, Peter chose a Yellow one, Alice and Frank both chose green ones, Marlene and Molly both chose white ones, and Lily chose a purple one.

Once they all put on their seatbelts, the cars started up and everyone started moving. They were laughing and screaming and turning every which way, until the cars stopped. Everyone was disappointed that their fun had ended, but they got up and went out nonetheless.

"So?" Lily looked at everyone "HOW WAS IT??" Lily was ecstatic, being able to show her friends these muggle things that she always enjoyed.

"Amazing!" "Awesome" "Cool" "So much fun!" everyone was saying at once. Lily looked content with the fact that her friends were happy, and pulled them onto the next ride.

They went to: The Swing Ride; The Pirate Ship Ride; the carousel and, finally, to the Ferris wheel. Once they finished the final ride, everyone was grinning and buzzing around each other.

"I'm hungry" Sirius moaned (A/N: don't be dirty minded) as they were walking around. His stomach grumbled and he frowned at Lily.

"Well, my mum did want to meet you guys, so we could go to my house for dinner?" Lily suggested, slowing down her pace.

"But I'm hungry now" Sirius whined, looking down at his stomach.

"Well fine then, you big baby, we'll just get some candy floss so you don't starve to death" Lily rolled her eyes and led the way towards a stand. "Five candy floss please" Lily said, pulling out her purse. The others had given her wizarding money before this so she could then deal with the muggle money herself, as the others weren't the best at handling muggle money (with the exception of Remus, who had also given Lily the money earlier, but only because it would be easier for one person to handle their cash)

"Of course ma'am" the man running the booth replied, "That will be £14". Lily handed the man the money, and he thanked her, before getting to work. He made two pink ones, two blue ones, and a yellow one.

"Thank you!" They replied gratefully, taking the final one. They then made their way to Lily's house, eating the floss like starving lions.

"This is amazing! It's like Magic!" Sirius exclaimed as he took the first bite. Everyone chuckled, and ate some of their own. They absolutely loved it, and by the time they made it to the Evans' home, they had finished all five, Sirius finishing one of the five candy floss' by himself.

"Can I have some" Remus asked, about to take some candy floss off of Sirius' stick.

"No!" Sirius cried defensively, moving the Candy Floss away from Remus' hand. "This magic stick is mine, have one of the other ones!"

They had finally made it back to the Evans' house. Lily took a deep breath, before opening the door, and shouting "Mum, I'm home, and I've brought some guests!"

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