Chapter 4

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"Mum, I'm home!" Lily shouted into her house. A stout lady with short brown hair (A/N Idc if these details are wrong 😜) appeared from a room which seemed to be the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. She looked up and her lips curved into a smile "Ah Lily! You brought your friends!" When Lily nodded, Mrs. Evans continued, "Oh thats perfect! Will you all be staying for dinner?" They nodded, mumbling their confirmation, and Mrs. Evans clapped her hands together, "Okay then, I'll start cooking." Mrs. Evans walked back towards the kitchen after hugging all of her guests one by one and shouted "PETUNIA! RICHARD! (that's what I'm calling Mr. Evans idk) COME AND GREET OUR GUESTS!" Lily led the rest of the group to the living room, where they all greeted Mr. Evans and finally sat down, talking amongst each other.

"Your parents are really friendly, Lils" Remus commented after taking his seat on a sofa (aka couch) beside Sirius.

"Yeah, they love getting to know about wizards and magic. My sister on the other hand..." Lily let out a humourless chuckle, and Remus gave her a sympathetic look before changing the topic.

A few minutes later Petunia walked in, Mrs. Evans holding her arm, and they all stopped talking and stared at her. "Mum made me come down and say h-" Petunia stopped as her eyes lingered on James. She cleared her throat, and looked away, her cheeks carrying a hint of pink.

"I'm Petunia, and you are?" She looked at James while talking, but before he was able to open his mouth, he was interrupted by someone else.

"The name's Sirius" Sirius replied with a smirk, picking up on the way Petunia was eyeing James.

"I'm Marlene"
"I'm Alice"
"I'm Frank"
They all went around introducing themselves. "I'm James" He said with a smile. Once everyone had finished introducing themselves to Petunia, she pulled away from her mum's grasp and went to sit down. "Mind if I sit here?" She asked James, pointing to the seat next to him.

"" He said with a forced smile, scratching the back of his neck and looking down at his lap.

James shuffled slightly and Petunia sat down next to James on the small sofa, so that their shoulders were brushing slightly. Petunia looked at James with a sparkle in her eyes, while James' eyes stayed fixed ahead of him, sensing Petunia's gaze on him. However, someone else was also staring at the two, but that had gone by unnoticed.

Lily was glaring at Petunia, her jaw set. She felt a pang of jealousy invade her insides. He likes ME. He is MINE, Lily said to herself. As soon as she realised what she had thought, the anger drained from her body, and her eyes widened. Oh god- what? I don't even like him? Why do I care so much?

"-ly. Lily. LILYY!!" Lily snapped out of her reverie and saw Alice waving her hand in front of her face. She mumbled out an apology, and Alice narrowed her eyes at Lily curiously, slightly concerned. "Are you alright?" She asked, seemingly worried for her friend. Lily simply nodded.

"Alright" Sirius said, breaking the silence. "This is getting boring, let's play truth or dare!" As everyone was agreeing and started talking, Petunia put a not-so-subtle hand on James' thigh, close to his knee. James let out a startled cough, and fidgeted slightly until Petunia's hand was removed from his leg.

Petunia's Crush~ JilyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant