Chapter 8

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James and Lily were wondering how long Petunia had been listening in to their conversation, when Petunia started leaning in. James looked very uncomfortable and leaned back in his chair as much as he could, though Petunia's lips were still moving closer to his own.

Lily, watching the scene take place, was getting angrier and angrier by the minute. When she saw James moving away and Petunia moving closer, she stopped thinking and decided to take a chance.

She put down her knife and fork, face serious (A/N Sirius*) and determined, and tilted James' head towards her. When he faced her, he looked very confused, but that look quickly dissolved when Lily placed her lips on his and kissed him.

For the first few seconds, he was frozen in shock, and then realisation dawned on him on what was happening, and he returned the kiss with the same amount of satisfaction.

He was kissing Lily Evans.
And Lily Evans was kissing him too.
In fact, Lily Evans kissed him first.
Lily Evans wanted to kiss him.
His mind was rushing with thoughts, though he decided to push them away for now and solely focus on the person with lips placed on top of his own.

Meanwhile, all around them, everyone was silent and watching the two. Mr and Mrs Evans had small smiles on their faces, but seemed very awkward and kept eating their food as if nothing was happening. Sirius passed 2 Galleons to Remus and Frank passed 5 sickles to Alice. Marlene was smirking and cheered slightly, while Molly and Peter just watched on, eyes wide at the scene in front of them, not expecting this to happen during the present moment.

And Petunia just stared at them, anger boiling inside her. She pushed her chair back and banged her fists on the table, making a lot of noise, and stormed off dramatically, eyes burning with hatred, into the house and up the stairs.

As Petunia was storming off, Sirius whistled at the two lovebirds, which finally grabbed James' and Lily's attention. They both pulled away, faces red and breathless, just in time to see Petunia strutting into the house.

"Well, at least I don't have to talk to her anymore" James said, laughing slightly, a huge grin on his face.

"Yeah" Lily mumbled, beaming.

"So does this mean you like me?" James blurted out, a smirk on his face. Lily's face turned even redder somehow, her face being darker than her hair now, and nudged James playfully on the arm. James wrapped an arm around Lily's shoulders, hoping for the best, and unusually, Lily didn't shake him off; she simply kept on eating, acting as though nothing had happened. James was happier than he had ever been. He looked across the table and his eyes caught Sirius', who simply winked at him and went back to his conversation with Remus.

The end

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