Chapter 5

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"Alright, let's sit in a circle on the carpet" James said, rushing away from his shared sofa with Petunia, and taking a seat between Lily and Sirius. Everyone was seated in the circle, the order being: Remus, Sirius, James, Lily, Molly, Alice, Frank, Peter, Marlene and Petunia.

"Alright, I guess I'll start" Remus spoke. "Erm...Molly. Truth or Dare" Mollys head snapped up and she stared at Remus , confused, yet a grin was beginning to form across her face.

"Truth!" Molly finally decided, excited and confident with her choice. She moved her hair behind her shoulder and waited for her question.

"Okay..." Remus said. After a few minutes of thinking, a grin appeared on his face and he asked "Who is your crush?" Molly's face went pink and she glared at Remus, who simply ignored it and continued to stare at her. Now, everyone's eyes were were on Molly, looking very eager, except for Petunia who didn't look like she cared much.

Molly mumbled something inaudible, her face turning even pinker. "What?" They said in unison. Molly inhaled a deep breath before finally blurting it out. "Authur Weasley" she said, loud and clear. Everyone stared at her with matching smug looks, some ooooo's coming from Sirius' side of the circle.

"I knew it!" Alice cried
"You've finally admitted it, congrats Mol!" Cheered Marlene
"Okay, okay. But if you tell him about this, I swear to Merlin I will hex all of you into next year" She said, slowly looking around the circle.

Everyone said an "of course" or "okay", before they continued on. After a few more rounds, it was finally Petunia's turn. She looked around the circle with a twinkle in her eyes, before she landed on James. "James!" She said. The boy in question was in the middle of a conversation with Lily, talking about the funfair, school and other random topics. Lily was quietly laughing at something James had said, while he had a proud smile in his face, when Petunia had called him out. Both Lily and James turned to Petunia, a slightly disappointed look on both of their faces for being pulled out of their conversation.

"Yes?" James asked her, still staring at Lily from the corner of his eye, hoping to get this over with to get back to his conversation with the redhead.

"Truth or dare" she said, a sinister smile playing on her lips.

"Dare, obviously" James said, puffing out his chest, causing some people to start laughing and others -like Lily- to roll their eyes.

"I dare you to kiss me" she said innocently, batting her eyelashes at James.

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