Chapter 6

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"Oh-er..." James was not expecting this, and felt flustered and slightly uncomfortable after being caught off guard.

Remus and Sirius both looked at each other, knowing what James was feeling. It seemed as though they had a quick, silent conversation, before Remus nodded slightly.

"Hey!" Sirius said, leaning closer to James and waving his arms around James' face, blocking Petunia's view of him. "Are you sure you want to kiss THIS bloke?" Sirius continued, winking at Petunia.

Petunia looked at Sirius, looking very annoyed. "Um, duh" she said firmly. "So if you don't mind..." she made a swiping gesture with her hand, indicating Sirius to move off of James. "A dare is a dare, so James..." she then made a gesture towards James, telling him to come to her.

James gave a weak, grateful smile to Sirius, who returned a sympathetic one. James tentatively made his way towards Petunia. He looked back at Lily and saw something sparkle in her eyes. Was that..? Jealousy? Anger? Disappointment? Must have been imagining things, James finally thought, shaking his head lightly. He looked back to Petunia, who had an eager look in her eyes. Oh merlin. I think I'm going to throw up.

James got to where Petunia was, trying to put this off as long as he could. When he finally got to her, he leaned in slowly, but Petunia impatiently grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. James was disgusted. He was not going to kiss her back. He hated the way she tasted and how eager she was.

Behind them, Sirius put a hand on Lily's shoulder and squeezed gently. Lily looked as though she was heartbroken, staring at the scene in front of her, which was exactly how she felt. Petunia, however, was having the time of her life, but wanted James to kiss her back to make everything even better. She was getting frustrated. She bit on James' lower lip, and he gasped, not expecting that, which caused him to open his mouth slightly, which was enough for Petunia to slip her tongue through. She started exploring hungrily, but as soon as she slipped her tongue through, James had pushed her back, and moved back to his seat.

Once James had gotten back to his seat, he looked at Petunia, who was staring at him, apparently in shock. "I think that was enough" he said, in a very calm tone, despite the fact he felt flooded with anger. I cant believe she just made me kiss her like that. Is she sick?! Remus continued with the game, though everyone was still in shock at seeing Petunia kissing James, who ended up roughly pushing her off of him.

Sirius nudged James, bringing him out of his thoughts and releasing some of his anger. "So how was the kiss" Sirius whispered with a smirk, for he knew how it was for his best friend, but had a plan.

"It was horrible! I cant believe her, kissing me like that. She was so desperate and practically throwing herself on me! She needs to realise that I don't give a flying fuck about her" He whisper-shouted to Sirius.

Sirius looked over at Lily, and saw that his plan had worked. Lily had overhead their conversation, and was covering up her smile using her hand, failing horribly. Job well done Sirius thought to himself happily. James looked at him, seemingly very confused, but decided to ignore it, not wanting to know whatever was going on in his best mate's head.

After a few more thankfully uneventful rounds of Truth or Dare, they heard Mrs. Evans shout "CHILDREN! COME AND HAVE DINNER"

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