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So this was requested by Enchanted_rose1234
Alrighty so I didn't have to much information to start out with but I enjoy the research so now I have a ton to share. Now the oldest record we have that was displayed of a nekomusume or more commonly known as neko is from the 1700s. They are commonly portrayed as cat girls/women but there are of course boys as well. Now onto the mythical bit it is well known that there is a lot of shifting involved with this type of mythical because of the fact that there is the tail and ears and sometimes people will want to fully shift but that is considered a cat shifter and not necessarily a neko. Now when it comes to shifting the ears and tail there is something important that you should know. The ears in particular will replace your human ears when you shift so you won't have two pairs of ears. I'll put some pictures here to help with clarification......

 I'll put some pictures here to help with clarification

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Now as you can see from the pictures above shifting can be a pretty painful process since you will be moving different bones around for the tail

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Now as you can see from the pictures above shifting can be a pretty painful process since you will be moving different bones around for the tail. Unless of course you decide to be specific and choose a sub or a spell maybe that would make it painless or maybe a completely different type of shift all together. Also one of the pictures above shows different positions that the ears could go in so I would advise that you make sure you are specific with these types of things before hand so that you can prevent any issues when actual shifting comes into play. Now that that's out of the way let's move on to mannerisms or behavior. So a lot of the time during the process of becoming a neko you will start to pick up a couple strange behaviors that are categorized as "cat-like" but as I said earlier you can make it so that that is not the case. Oh right and before I forget to type this you can also have sharp retractable claws if you want which could of course be useful in defense. So that's all I have for info now I was going to put in some subs for you guys but it won't let me so I'll just put in some channels you can go to instead.
*Siren Subliminals*
*Virgo Subliminals*
(Take out the stars when you put in the channels)
That's all for now!
Goodby for now!

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