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You with your cards
and longer age
'words do not define you',
but as a child
who's still at test,
I ask,
'but numbers do?'

You say the world
is a contest,
that levels push you
to full strive,
but do you know
of the children
who see their grades
and start to cry?

You say that
of course,
'no one's perfect',
it is stupid to even try,
but when you see
with what's mine,
you just ask
'who was the highest, high?'

Chasing dreams
is chasing numbers,
at first ask,
I know
you will deny,
but it's not your words,
but your seen actions,
that prove
that it sadly is no lie.

Higher, higher,
larger, bigger,
but there's always, always more,
another person,
another number,
another better, greater score.

Stress and pencils,
practice, papers,
no small sliver of sunlight,
should'ves, could'ves,
would'ves, none of
smiles, carefree, friendship, delight.

Why are you
so gripped in my future,
just waiting for my
wanted success,
when I always thought
you might've been
just trying to give
me happiness?

Now I wait for numbers, scores and levels,
watch my marks with
greedy want,
you'll smile, you'll frown,
like I'll do in time,

Since this is what you have somehow taught.

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