Chapter 13- Miracle Happens

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'I'm so sorry for ignoring my feelings, I should be the one who's suffering right now, not you, I'm an idiot'

'please wait for me, pretty please'

'I don't want to lose you so wait for me, just a little bit'

'forgive me for ignoring my feelings, forgive me for denying it'

'I love you so much, L/n Y/n'

Shirabu was already on his way, he went straight to the nearest hospital, Semi already told him that Iwaizumi and Oikawa brought him to the hospital because you passed out.

Iwaizumi was silently crying, afraid of losing his one and only sister, regretting every single mean word he said, you're the only one he has.

"Iwaizumi..." Oikawa mumbled.

"Oikawa, why does it have to be like this?"

"what did Y/n do to be in this kind of situation?"

"I know that I'm not the best brother, don't you think that I should be the one who's in her situation?-" Oikawa slapped him, tears slowly falling from Oikawa's eyes.

"Why are you saying that? We never wanted this to happen, Y/n-chan never wanted this"

"there's still a cure, right?" Iwaizumi asked.

"If Y/n-chan don't want to go through surgical removal, there's one more thing to cure far as I know..." Oikawa said.

"W-what is it?"

"returning Y/n's feelings, if the person she loves is here... He needs to love her back... I don't know..."

While Oikawa was explaining your disease to Iwaizumi, Shirabu arrived at the hospital.

He directly asked which room were you in, he doesn't want to waste his remaining time, he could hear his heartbeat, guilt filling himself.

He was panting, imagine, running fast, forcing yourself to make it on time, running and worrying at the same time.

He chose to run the stairs, he just couldn't wait for the elevator.

The doctor went out of your room, he doctor informed Iwaizumi and Oikawa, he said you'll wake up soon, you passed out due to crying and running out of breath.

Shirabu saw Oikawa who's about to enter your room with Iwaizumi, he knows Oikawa and Iwaizumi, they've played before.

"Iwaizumi-senpai, Oikawa-senpai, I'm so sorry" he said.

Then that was the time where Oikawa and Iwaizumi shared the same thoughts.

'he's the one who Y/n likes'

Iwaizumi badly wanted to punch Shirabu in the face, but Oikawa stopped him.

"Iwaizumi, now's not the time" Oikawa said as he held Iwaizumi's hand.

"I'm so sorry, I really am, It's my fault..." Shirabu said.

"Shirabu-san, don't worry, Y/n-chan is brave, right Iwa-chan?" Oikawa said, he wanted to think positive.

"Oi, why don't you confess to her, you chicken" Iwaizumi said, he was pissed and he doesn't want you to have a boyfriend yet, since he couldn't do anything, he had no other choice but to let you.

"Iwaizumi-senpai, I love your sister" Shirabu said.

'I know it's cringe but I swear, I love her' Shirabu thought

"Why didn't you tell her before?" they asked Shirabu.

"I have a girlfriend, I'm sure she told you" he answered.

"Then why did my sister fall in love with you?"

"She's my dormmate, I didn't know that she already see me in a different way..."

"Wait what? What did you say? Can you say it again?"  Iwaizumi said.

"She's my dormmate..."

Oikawa and Iwaizumi were shocked, but they were more shocked when the doctor said that you were already awake.

They instantly went inside to check on you as you pouted.

Iwaizumi expected that once you woke up, you'll freak out, but no, looks like you really wanted to change.

"Tooru-nii, Haji-nii..." you smiled, then you saw someone behind them.


"SHIRABU-SAN?!" you said in a shocking tone.

"Y/n-chan, calm down." Oikawa said.

"we'll just leave you guys here, right Iwa-chan?" Iwaizumi doesn't want to go out, but Oikawa held him again as they went out.

"What are you doing in here...?" you said while holding your cough, you know that another petal will come out again, and you didn't want him to know.

"Hey, don't hold yourself, I'm sorry" Shirabu said.

"W-what? Why would I hold myself? And sorry for what?"

"Cough if you want to cough, I already know" he said as he hugged you, you couldn't help but cry.

"L/n-san, will you listen to what I say?" he asked for your consent first.

"Shirabu-san you're scaring me, what is it?" you said while still hugging him.

"so, we broke up" your eyes widened.

"w-why? What happened? Is it because of me? Is she mad-"

"she let me go because she knew that I love you"

The process was very slow, you heard it but you couldn't answer, your eyes were slowly closing.

Shirabu sighed as he slowly let go from your hugging position, letting you sleep for a while.

He placed a kiss on your lips, he couldn't help himself.

'I hope you're okay once you wake up, thank you for waiting' He thought as he went out.

"Shirabu-san, what happened?" Oikawa asked.

"She fell asleep"


"Thank you Shirabu-san" Iwaizumi said as he bowed down.

"I-it's okay Iwaizumi-senpai, I'm sorry again."

"See? I told you she's brave" Oikawa grinned.

"Iwaizumi-senpai..." Shirabu mumbled, not going unnoticed by Iwaizumi.

"what is it?"

"I kissed her... On the lips..."

"Run for your life, Shirabu-san, before Iwa-chan finish you" Oikawa said.

To be continued...

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