Chapter Nine

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As you may be aware, Diane has left the important task of arranging this year's Christmas party to me and I must stress the magnitude of this task. So, I was surprised to notice when scanning through the guest list this morning that you hadn't R.S.V.P'd a plus one. Am I to believe this was a mere blip in your memory and you are in fact bringing your friend again or will you be attending the event alone?

Now, the numbers are filling up fast and what with us moving to a more intimate venue this year I have had to make some cutbacks, which means attendance will be limited, so if you can free up a moment in your busy schedule, would you care to let me know whether you will be requiring the extra ticket otherwise it can go to someone more needing.

Hoping you are well,
Lauren Baker

Research Executive

'Will you let it go!' Ben snaps in my direction and I tear my eyes away from the email I'd been reading for the twentieth time since receiving it last night.


'You've been in a mood all day and I'm sick of it. Izzy's slaved away to cook us this gorgeous dinner and you've got a face on you like a slapped arse. So she asked if you were going to the party alone? What does it matter?'

'It matters to me. It's the way she said, "Are you bringing your friend or going alone?" as if the chance of me bringing a date is completely implausible,' I grumble, feeling my temperature rise as a fresh wave of annoyance overcomes me. 'I'm sorry, Iz. Dinner is lovely, it is, I've just not had much of an appetite today.'

'It's fine, really. And it'll keep so if you don't want it this evening just bung it in the fridge when it cools down,' he says softly and he leans over to give my leg a quick squeeze. 'How's your article going, anyway?'

'It's fine, I guess,' I reply, sighing deeply. 'I've decided to give myself a day off from it today though. I didn't really feel up to much and after sabotaging everything I've done so far, I thought maybe I should knuckle down and make a proper plan rather than just winging it.'

'Good idea, and there's nothing wrong with having a bit of a 'me' day.'

I smile at him warmly and take another bite of my food. It really is delicious, but I just can't seem to stomach anything.

'Do you really think I won't be able to find a date by Christmas Eve?' I ask before I can stop myself. 'Lauren obviously thinks I'm hideous enough not to.'

'Of course you're going to find someone!' Isaac implores. 'You're just overthinking things because you're tired. You are beautiful and any man would be lucky to have you on his arm. You never know, maybe this thing with Matt might turn into something more and you can go with him.'


'Or,' Ben interjects loudly. 'Maybe it's just that I was so fabulous last time Lauren is desperate for me to go again to liven the place up a bit, because let's face it, without me there it would have been pretty boring.'

'Yeah, that must be it,' I mumble, getting up and making my way across the room to place my plate on the countertop. 'You know what, I think you're right. I am a bit tired. I might go and have a lay-down.'

'Are you sure you're feeling okay?' Isaac asks.

'I'm fine. It's just been a crazy few days and it's starting to take its toll on me.'

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