Chapter Nineteen

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Enzo: This day is dragging. I'm so glad I have you to keep me company on here . . .

I try to focus on what he was saying, but all I could think about was the moment that Lincoln and I had shared yesterday. His parting comment after the game had almost floored me and as I lay in bed last night, his penetrating blue eyes were all that I could picture as I fell asleep, permeating into my dreams once more.

The noise from the room fades as I step forward, looking up to find Lincoln's eyes boring into mine as I reach around his neck with a string of pink tinsel and with shaking hands I tie it into a clumsy knot, my heart thudding loud in my chest.

Dottie: Aww. Hopefully not too much longer and you can go home!

Afraid that he could tell what I was thinking, I try breaking the spell by hanging two gaudy baubles off of his ears but the feel of his cheek against my hand sends a flutter of excitement racing through my body, and all at once everyone around us disappears and it's just him and me, locked in this bizarre scenario as I weave red fabric around his torso.

Enzo: So, do you have much planned for tonight?

He raises a single eyebrow as I tuck the end into the waistband of his trousers and I pause, just long enough to catch the hint of a smile escaping his ruby lips.

Dottie: Not really. How about you?

The crowd are counting down now as I clasp his arms, having to stand on the tips of my toes so that I was able to raise them above his head, attempting to make them resemble the shape of the top of a Christmas tree.

We were both laughing as I wrap his wrists in gold tulle, trying my best to get it to look like a star and failing miserably.

'You seem pretty good at that.' Lincoln's low voice was riddled with flirtatious suggestion as he looks up to where my fingers were tightening the fabric.

The loud chants of '10, 9, 8 . . .' save me from having to respond because in all honesty, I don't think I'd have been able to even if I'd wanted to.

'7, 6, 5 . . .'

I've taken a slight step back and am examining my masterpiece when he speaks again, although this time it was much quieter than before and I have to strain my ears to hear it.

'When's it my turn?'

'4, 3, 2 . . .'

I stare at him, agog, trying to determine whether or not I'd imagined it, but from the mischievous look he was currently giving me I don't think that I did.

'Er . . .'


Enzo: I was hoping I could take you to dinner?

The shrill bell rings out through the room and I jump away from him as the faces of everyone else comes back into focus and with a cheer from the crowd I'm announced the winner, getting congratulated merrily by the other pair and when I finally turn around, I find that Lincoln had already shredded the ridiculous gear and was disappearing in the direction of his office, his head bent low.

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