Chapter Thirty-Four

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It's the most wonderful time of the yeeaarr!

Admit it, you all sang along to that one, didn't you? I know I sure did!

So my friends, we sure are getting close to the big day and little old me does not know what to do with herself, let me tell you.

I have been running around the city like a child let loose in a candy store all for the benefit of you lovely readers and this girl is ready for some TLC. And boy do I need it, especially after the evening I had last night. A giant Christmas themed pub crawl, crazy drinking forfeits and maybe a little smooch or two under the mistletoe. (And before you ask, I'm not going to tell you who with, so there's no point in asking. A lady needs a little mystery in her life.) And now I'm happy to say enough is enough.

Please somebody tell me where the best place is to get one of those facial chemical peels because I feel like I have aged about twenty years since I took on this assignment and I think it's beginning to show.

I'm getting sidetracked. I make a habit of doing that, don't I?

Here's the big question. I have a friend . . . we haven't known each other long, well, not properly anyway . . . and I wanted to take him somewhere special. He likes choir music and I must admit I haven't been to Church in, well ever really, so I'm in desperate need of some help. Where oh where can I take him that won't be too crowded but is festive to the max? Any suggestions would be greatly received. You know what to do by now. Drop a comment in the box below and help a sister out!

So before signing off, I thought I'd end today's post with a few little festive facts I've picked up over the years. Did you know that Jingle Bells was the first song EVER to be played in space? It was on the Gemini 6A space flight on December 16th, 1965. Pretty cool, huh?

And I learned only recently that our favourite jolly man didn't always dress in his famous red suit. Santa Claus as we know him today only wears this colour because the Coca Cola company made it that way. They wanted him to fit in with their brand and that's how it's been ever since.

And finally, to celebrate the absurdity of my outfit from last night (I'll insert a picture below, don't laugh now!), here's one last fact. The most expensive Christmas tree ever to be erected was in a hotel lobby in Marbella in 2019 and was worth nearly twelve million pounds! It was a nineteen-foot fir and was decorated with real diamonds and sapphires!

I sure needed a lie down after reading that one!

Have a good day everybody. Make sure you have lots of fun and tune in tomorrow for another update from me, Dottie-O! x

A comment pings up on my screen before I even have time to close my laptop and I pull it to me eagerly. It was from one of our readers offering their advice and I'm typing out a thank you when several more appear in its place.

MacAttack01: Try heading up the Barbican! They do all sorts up there so you can pick the least busy one!

PaulWeston: The Royal Albert Hall!!

CrazyCatLady: My Granny always goes to St Paul's Catherdral so you could try there. Or maybe Cadogan Hall?! xx

YummyMummy87: Okay missy, you can't tease us and then leave. Who is this guy???

I'm jotting them all down in my notebook when I hear a loud knock on the front door and I jump up from my spot on the sofa to go and answer it, finding a man in overalls on the other side, holding a clipboard with a bag of tools perched curiously by his feet.

You Can't Hurry LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя