Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The sound of someone clearing their throat threatens to draw me out from my wonderful dream but I keep my eyes closed, holding onto the last remaining remnants of it before it disappears into oblivion and I have to return to reality.

It had been a great dream, a bit hazy in places but Lincoln had taken the starring role as he usually did of late, whisking me off from the perils of a London street and carrying me to safety during a terrific storm, before making mad passionate love to me as the rain pelted angrily against the windows, his wide shoulders flexing rhythmically beneath my fingers . . .

I sigh dreamily. It had been a really great dream.


The intruder clears his throat once again and I begrudgingly open my eyes to find Ben and Isaac peering down on me as I lie in bed. Well, I say peering. Ben's look was more of a glaring accusation, his arms folded across his chest as Isaac stands slumped beside him, rubbing a fist over his face and smearing his eyeliner in the process.

'Can I help you?' I ask them groggily, and Ben sucks in a sharp breath.

'Can you help us? Well, let's see,' he mutters angrily, and I fight the urge to throw my duvet over my face and hide. It must only be the early hours of the morning. What could possibly have had the time to annoy him already?

'So, here's Isaac and me heading home after a fantastic evening out, just minding our own business, when we open our front door and find a man fast asleep on our sofa. And not just any old man. Oh no.' He laughs sardonically and I clutch at my head. 'It just so seems that the man in question happens to be my new, temporary BOSS!'

Ah . . .

Okay, I guess that is a viable enough reason to be a bit peeved.

Wait a minute. If Lincoln is currently asleep on my sofa, that means my dream wasn't totally based on fantasy. That means he really did come to my rescue outside the club, he really did carry me the entire way up the stairs. But then-


'Yes!' I snap back to attention and look up at him, trying to hide my illicit thoughts. 'He drove me home.'

'He drove you home?'

I nod.

'So then why he is still here and not in his own God damn house? You know I can't stand the man.'

'Ben.' Isaac speaks up before I can, putting his hand on Ben's shoulder. 'What did we talk about earlier?'

But Isaac needn't have worried. I couldn't care less that Ben was having a go, not when Lincoln was currently sleeping only feet away from me.

'What time is it?' I swing my legs over the side of the bed, wincing as I get to my feet.

What's wrong with my- Oh God, I fell out of his car!

'It's like 10 am. Everyone went to Marcel's for an after party. We just got the tube back,' Isaac yawns, tugging on Ben's hand and dragging him towards the door. 'It's well past our bedtime so come on. And you better be quiet or else,' he warns him, and they leave me to get ready, my heart thudding excitedly in my chest.

I throw on my favourite printed smock dress and shimmy my way into a pair of un-holed tights as fast as I could, easing the door open, and I peer at him sheepishly.

His phone and wallet were laying side by side on the table, his coat folded neatly by his feet and from what I could see he was just starting to stir himself, the blanket that was covering him slipping from his body as he rolls onto his back.

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