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Back at Yue's office in Beijing

"Finally, we have a minute to talk, you have been back for a week! So... Tell me everything!" Sara asks Yue, curious about the trip to Milan.

Dylan is standing outside the office and the door is open, but Yue does not mind; he is always around anyway. Besides, they are in a sort of hiatus, each minding their own business, sharing nothing more than a work relationship.

"Well, there was this guy..."

"Huh? You mean hottie?" Sara is puzzled.

"No, I mean another guy, an Italian one, handsome as..." Yue starts telling everything about Alex to Sara, who cannot hide her enthusiasm for Yue's new conquest.

"Wow, Moon! I can't believe he invited you to go live with him so soon! And tell me, what happened when you were together all night? I want details!"

Yue continues the story about the interesting taxi driver up to the last details...

"And then, at dawn, we were looking at the sun coming up, and his eyes were mesmerizing. I got lost into those eyes and told him they felt like a Summer vacation... Gosh those blue eyes!"

I can't compete with that! I guess my eyes look like dirt... Dylan thinks, disappointed.

"And you know what he said to me?"


"He said: 'Luna, you have eyes that evoke a beautiful Autumn landscape,' -Yue recalls with an Italian accent- Can you believe that? He is such a romantic guy!"

"OMG, he's perfect!"

"And he told me he wants to come to Beijing and meet my parents!"

Dylan's legs give in and he thumps the wall trying not to fall to the ground.

"What was that?" Sara asks.

"I think it's my bodyguard having a heart attack," replies Yue, raising an eyebrow.

"What is wrong with him? Why didn't he do anything?" Sara whispers to Yue.

"What do I know? I don't think he likes me..." Yue whispers back.

"That's impossible. I've caught him staring at you!"

"He HAS to stare at me, that doesn't mean anything... Anyway, do you want to know what happened with Alex or not?"

Sara nods and Yue continues...

"And then he took my hand and his lips got closer to mine..."

Dylan coughs loudly, choking on his own nerves. But Yue does not reveal the truth out loud, she leans and whispers in Sara's ear the whole anecdote.

Dylan is left with the doubt once again, eating him up inside.

"We have been texting every day since I got back."

"Really? Is he coming?"

"Maybe. It would not be right now, sadly; his vacation time is in a few months."

"Oh, I hope he comes so I can meet him!" Sara cries.

"Me too."

Dylan makes faces, scowling while repeating in silence Sara's words.

"I wanna see pictures of the new guy!"

New guy? I've been replaced... Dylan sighs.

"Here, look how gorgeous he is!" Yue shows Sara the pictures she took with Alex.

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