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It's a rainy day and Jeongguk is checking on all the eggs that are supposed to hatch within this week. Three mother dragons are waiting for their whelps to see the sunlight for the first time and they all trust the prince, since he's the best when it comes to training and taking care of them.

With a serious expression, Jeongguk kneels down in front of the red, green and yellow egg. The eggs are huge so much so that in his upright kneeling position the top of the egg is reaching his forehead. Hard to believe that one day those little whelps will grow up to be such big creatures. Of course some are smaller than others but even the smallest race is at least twice as tall as the tallest human living.

"Jeongguk?" A soft voice from behind the prince is calling for him.

He turns his head with a smile on his face, getting up slowly, carefully making sure not to damage any egg in the process. "Mom, why are you here? You should rest." The Queen's health isn't the best lately, she's coughing a lot and sometimes a fewer weakens her body. The doctors don't tell Jeongguk much, just that they have it under control. At first he believed them, but it's been months and she is not getting better.

"Oh dear, you know that I have to finish my research on the new fire dragon. It's important to know their weaknesses and strengths. I think I've already figured out what they eat and that water isn't their favorite to drink." She chuckles, remembering yesterday's events where a whelpling had spat it out onto her face with a very unamused sound coming from deep its throat.

"Why are you laughing now? You confuse me mother." Jeongguk is really worried about her, his older brother is already preparing for the worst case and he doesn't even want to think about it, she's still so young.

With an exhausted sigh the Queen pats her youngest son's shoulder. "Just a funny memory. You can soon read it in my book." She winks at him and turns around to leave. It's not a secret that her books about the different kinds of dragons are the most accurate and highly praised ones in the kingdom. If someone has a question or has found an egg that's not listed yet, they come to her and the Queen is always eager to help out. Dragons are her life, the entire Kingdom knows that.

Jeongguk isn't any better, he has dedicated his life to the mysterious creatures as well. One would say that he has a better connection to them than to any human being - except for maybe his own family. As a prince with not many responsibilities, Jeongguk is free to do what he desires and that's what he's doing; every single day. A relationship? Not interested in the slightest. Many girls and a few boys have already tried their luck but immediately gave up as the scariest dragon he trains would scare them away. Jeongguk was always laughing his royal ass off for minutes, rewarding his 'baby' with a lot of treats. His mother of course watched the whole scene with an amused smile on her face. She knows that one day the perfect person will show up, she's not worried in the slightest.

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