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After the initial shock, Jeongguk soon recovered. He's already used to Taehyung always causing surprises. Doesn't doubt for a second that this man is his dragon.

The king is amazed when the two come into the great hall to have breakfast, at first he thought that his son had bedded someone for the very first time. The disillusionment comes with the explanation, which he immediately believes. It's more believable than his first assumption. "Okay, if you want I can get a teacher for Taehyung to help him learn to speak."

"No." The pronunciation wasn't entirely correct, but Taehyung practiced this word on the way down to the hall. His throat hurts now a little, but it's bearable.

Jeongguk laughs. "There you have your answer, I agree with my baby." Okay, maybe he should stop calling Taehyung his baby, now that he's human and Jeongguk is a little attracted to him.

"You have conspired against me, I see how it is." His father tries to look disappointed, but fails miserably, which is why he cannot prevent himself from laughing as well. "All right, I have to admit that this feels surreal, but I am already making friends with the idea of ​​having a third son."

Taehyung grimaces, it's clear that he doesn't want to be another son of his. Jeongguk had already informed him that siblings can't be in a romantic relationship. In another kingdom a king had taken in and adopted a boy and his daughter had fallen in love with him. They aren't of the same blood, but officially they were siblings. Of course, this love was not allowed.

"Dad, Tae is my friend, not a brother. Please leave it at that." Jeongguk takes Taehyung's hand and squeezes it lightly. He also had a strange feeling in his stomach when his father called him son, but he cannot assign this feeling yet.

The king raises his hands and gives up. "Okay, but then you can't sleep together in one room. We all know that you're more attracted to the male sex and now that he is human, you shouldn't succumb to the temptation." He winks at both of them and gets up from his chair. "I will now have to leave you alone, duty calls."

Taehyung wants to say something but can't, it makes him angry and desperate. A whine escapes him and he drops his head on the table.

"It's gonna be okay, Tete, are you hungry?" Jeongguk strokes over his head.

The dragon hybrid gets big eyes and sits upright again. He nods and points to the kitchen.

Jeongguk goes ahead and sees the cook grilling the unseasoned meat. "Hi, today you can also make salad, vegetables and rice for Taehyung. He has to eat healthier."

An indignant noise comes from the aforementioned and the two men turn to him.

The cook raises an eyebrow. "Do we have a guest? Do I need to add another serving?"

Jeongguk laughs, has completely forgotten that no one except himself and his father knows. "No, this is Taehyung." He leans forward as if what he is saying is a secret. "He's a hybrid, they really do exist."

The cook drops the wooden spoon, his eyes widen and he looks at the young man as if he were an alien.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, huffs, so that his bangs soar.

"Now I see it, definitely Taehyung." He sighs and goes back to work to keep the meat from burning.

Even if the hybrid has only eaten meat so far, he has to admit that the vegetables don't taste bad. Still has to get used to the salad and rice, though.

Jeongguk met with Jimin after dinner and immediately shared the news. This time Taehyung is allowed into the barn, he is less jealous now, but he still doesn't like it that Jeongguk's attention is not entirely on him.

"You are teaching him to speak now?" Jimin is currently feeding a hatchling, it's a nature and water dragon.

"Yes, do you have any suggestions on how I can best do this?" Jeongguk has already thought about it during breakfast, but has come to no conclusion.

Jimin thinks for a moment and then has an idea. "How about you teach him to read, he already knows the meaning of the words and on this way, his vocal cords will slowly get used to it. Humming a song can help with that too."

Taehyung smiles, he would love to sing a song with Jeongguk someday.

"It's not a bad idea, that's how I'll do it." He ruffles Taehyung's hair and then massages his earlobe. Jeongguk loves to touch him, but has to admit that he is beginning to miss the dragon side. Fortunately, he can have both, but is still waiting to ask him if he can transform back every now and then.

The days go by and the learning method is having an effect. Taehyung is a quick learner and Jeongguk is surprised by his deep voice.

After almost five months he can speak flawlessly, sometimes Jeongguk has to stop him to let him fall asleep. Yes, the two of them go to separate rooms first, but as soon as they hear that the king is going to bed, Taehyung sneaks up to Jeongguk and they cuddle together.

The king isn't stupid, found out after only two days but allows it. What can happen? Maybe it's time his son got his first experience, he's 23 years old for Pete's sake. He himself was 19 when he had his first child.

But the two of them don't think about sex at all, not yet, just enjoy the togetherness and the forbidden things, which are not really forbidden because they have already been exposed.


Yoongi and his husband Seokjin planned to move into the kingdom soon because Jeongguk asked them to. They already visit regularly, to get familiar with everything. Jimin and Hoseok, his boyfriend, are very grateful for that. With six people it's definitely going to be easier to train all the dragons, to keep an eye on the eggs and then to find time for fun.

Taehyung gets involved very well in the group and can often help out when difficulties arise. To do this, he goes into his dragon form to communicate with the other conspecifics, strangely enough, he cannot do this in human form.

Jeongguk has found that Taehyung loves it when he's riding on his back when in dragon form. Before that he had never dared to ask him, feared that it would be something that wasn't endorsed.

It has now been a full year since his mother died, today is the anniversary, and Taehyung notices the change in the prince's mood. He doesn't know what grief is, so he doesn't know how to deal with it. What he has already learned is that Jeongguk is always in a better mood when he's joking around with the younger. Today it doesn't seem to work, even makes him a little angry.

"Stop it! Can't you get lost Taehyung?" Jeongguk yells at him, immediately regretting his words and tone when Taehyung leaves the room and minutes later he sees him walking into the forest. "Shit. He must think he did something wrong, but I'm just sad."

Jeongguk finds him at the lake, which is where the older goes when he wants to be alone. "Tete, I'm sorry. Today is a very sad day for me. My mother died a year ago and we are commemorating her death. I loved her very much and I miss her." He snuggles up to the dragon and can't hold back the tears.

Taehyung wraps his tail around Jeongguk's body, pushing him closer to him. He would like to say something, but that's not possible at the moment.

"I'm so happy to have you Tete, I hope you will never leave me, I couldn't take it." Jeongguk strokes his tail, plays with the tip and is lost in thoughts of his mother.

The dragon gives him this time, has now understood the whole situation. Grief; he would also be sad if Jeongguk suddenly wasn't there anymore and never came back. The very idea makes him indescribably sad as well.

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