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The days, even weeks go by and Taehyung is growing rapidly. The cute little whelping no longer fits in Jeongguk's bed and sleeps on the floor. But after four weeks this space is too small as well so he has to sleep outside, in front of Jeongguk's bedroom with his chin resting on the windowsill.

In addition, the dragon is very intelligent, he can now understand every word and reacts to everything Jeongguk says. Of course Taehyung is very often a brat, sometimes pushes the trainer to his limits, especially when he has to go check on the other dragons. Taehyung has become very possessive, it's worrying.

The king observes it from a distance, not yet interfering in the situation. But that changes when he sees Taehyung disappearing into the adjacent forest one afternoon when Jeongguk goes into the big barn to look at the eggs. The dragon has never left the castle or the grounds alone, it makes the man nervous. He immediately grew fond of him back then when he was born, his deceased wife must have known that Taehyung would need a lot of attention as soon as or when he hatches at all. That will have been the main reason she had the egg in her room.

He goes to Jeongguk to see if everything is going well and, as expected, finds him with the eggs, where a new dragon has just hatched.

"Let's take you to your mother soon." Jeongguk picks up the little one, turns around, sees his father and smiles. "Hi dad, this is Yerin, she is a water dragon."

"I already suspected that." He points to the whelping. "The blue color is a good indication of that." The king laughs and scares the hatchling. "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry."

"It's okay dad, she's very shy, but that will change over time." Jeongguk walks up to his father and hands him the baby dragon. She clings to his fingers but has no chance.

The king is enchanted, it's not often that he deals with the dragons. It's not that he doesn't like them, it's because these fascinating beings don't trust everyone. "She's so adorable, look at her googly eyes." He coos.

Jeongguk giggles. "Yes, they remind me of Taehyung."

Oh right, Taehyung. That's actually why he was here. The king gives Yerin back to his son and sighs. "Gguk, have you noticed a change in Taehyung lately?"

Jeongguk frowns. "No, why are you asking?" He lays the little one on a soft cloth, this topic is more important for the moment.

"He went into the forest when he saw where you you're heading to. Could he be jealous?" The King doesn't beat around the bush, has always been direct.

"Taehyung is where? Is he crazy?!" Jeongguk wastes no time, runs out of the barn and then into the forest. His father stays behind and locks the door before going back into the castle.

"Tete! Where the hell are you?" The dragon trainer yells. The trees are big and can hide the dragon well. It's not easy to find him if he doesn't move.

"Tae, please come to me!" His voice gets louder, it echoes through the forest and he hopes it will reach him. "It's dangerous out there."

A loud crack makes him look up. "Tae? Is that you?" It's not him...

A dark, comparably small dragon stands a few meters away in front of him. "Shit, I can't deal with you right now." This one is wild, untamed and dangerous for him. Jeongguk takes a step back, tries to show him that he's no threat.

Unfortunately, the dark dragon doesn't understand. Its big red eyes stare at him, it comes closer and as it is about to attack Jeongguk it suddenly gets thrown far away. A loud roar, which sounds very familiar, makes Jeongguk exhale with relief. "Tae, thank you." He runs towards him, but Taehyung turns around, giving him the cold shoulder. "Oh come on, what did I do to make you so mad?"

Taehyung snorts and if he could he'd probably roll his eyes.

Jeongguk hears a grumble, then the funny noises he has already got used to and knows that Taehyung is trying to talk to him. The big head, which he only sees from behind, moves from side to side. He can't hold back a giggle but covers his mouth with his hand. It's so cute when his favorite dragon throws a tantrum. The prince knows that he's finished with his complaint when smoke leaves his nostrils.

"Okay baby, I'm sorry." Jeongguk has no idea what he is apologizing for, until he remembers his father's words - Taehyung might be jealous. "You know Jimin, he'll help with the hatchlings next week. I'll show him how to handle the little ones and how to train them. Then I won't be away from you that often."

Taehyung turns around, takes his huge tail in his big hands and hops forward. He does that when he likes something very much. Taehyung leans down as he stands in front of Jeongguk and licks his face.

"Oh lord, that can't be true!" All the drool drips from his face on his clothes and since a dragon can't brush his teeth, it has a certain smell. Taehyung takes great care of his body, using twigs and leaves to keep his teeth white, but because of the meat he only eats, his breath doesn't smell very fresh.

Taehyung is about to repeat the action, has his face right in front of Jeongguk's when he suddenly feels something wet on his cheek.

"Payback." Jeongguk laughs, even if Taehyung's skin is very hard due to the scales, it doesn't bother him. He has to admit that it doesn't taste bad.

The dragon takes a step back, drops his tail and whines. He is confused, his stomach feels funny, and his heart is beating fast. What's this? He has no explanation for it.

Jeongguk notices the change in his behavior and is confused. "What's wrong with you?" He steps closer and puts his hand on Taehyung's leg. "Does something hurt you, are you in pain?" He sounds very worried.

The dragon shakes his head and puts a hand over his heart, tapping it a few times to say it's beating too fast.

"Oh! Racing heart?" Jeongguk smiles. "Do you have that because I licked you?" The smile becomes a smirk.

The dragon's lower lip slides forward slightly, he turns his head to the side so that he doesn't have to look at Jeongguk.

"You are so cute, do you know that? If you were human I would kiss you now." The prince has no idea that this sentence will change everything.

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