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First Jeongguk goes into his mother's room, which has now become his, and stares at the egg. "She had so many questions about you. What exactly are you and why was she so fascinated by you?" He walks slowly towards the purple egg, circles it, and then crouches. The size is nothing special, but he never has seen this color before. Where did it come from? Did his mother find it by accident? Unfortunately, these questions were not answered in her journal.

Jeongguk hesitates, he wants to touch it, even though he knows that it's not a good idea to do it with your bare hand. Some eggs have a special defense mechanism, be it poison or spikes that suddenly shoot out. Nonetheless, he holds his arm out, fingertips dangerously close to the shell. His eyes widen, the egg begins to glow, he's in a trance. There are only a few centimeters left. His knees are now touching the ground, he leans forward and in the same second feels the hard shell on his fingertips.

"Wow." The magic around him is suddenly gone, he rolls his eyes and flopps onto his bum. "And I thought something was going to happen now." Jeongguk laughs softly, a sigh leaves his mouth as he leans his forehead against the egg. Now that it doesn't seem to pose a threat, it's safe.

"How long will it take you to hatch, huh?" He loves to talk to the unborn dragons, knows that this will get them used to his voice. Instead of his mother, he will become the caregiver of this whelping.

Even if Jeongguk would like to stay here longer, he now has to look after the others. It has already been three days that he hasn't checked on them. Jeongguk hopes that none have hatched and now causing chaos. With this in mind, he gets up from the floor and goes to the book to write a short note. "No defense mechanism to be recognized, has purple glow and the structure is hard, uneven. I didn't feel any movement, it seem to be asleep." He speaks while writing, which makes him feel less alone, if that makes sense.

When Jeongguk arrives at the stable, he exhales with relief. Everything is the same, the eggs are still whole and luckily no predators had found their way in. "How are my little ones today? I hope you haven't missed me too much." He chuckles, his dragons are a welcome change, distract him from the sad thoughts.

The day ends many hours later when he is back in the purple egg room. He decided to spend the night here, as his mother had done very often. There's a bed in the corner, freshly made and with a soft-looking blanket on it. Jeongguk looks at the egg again, runs his fingers along the shell and walks around it. "I'm really curious what a brut you are." He stops to voice his thoughts. "Purple, maybe water and fire? No, that's impossible. Water dragons and fire dragons don't mate. Maybe the color has nothing to do with your origin, I think I'll just have to wait a little longer. Now it's already late and I'll go to sleep. Good night little whelping."

A yawn supports his statement and Jeongguk caresses the egg before he goes to bed, takes off his pants and lies inside. He leaves the sweater on because the blanket is a little too short for his size.

It doesn't take long for the prince to fall asleep, but it also doesn't take long until he feels something on his hand and tries to shake it off. At first with success, but then he feels it again. Jeongguk opens one eye and would like to close it again, because he thinks he is still dreaming. Two big googly eyes look at him curiously, a wet nose touches his forehead moments later. If that wasn't enough to convince Jeongguk that there is a little whelpling in front of him, then it is definitely the drool that is dripping on his hand.

"Eww. Was that really necessary?" He looks past the whelpling and realizes that the egg has broken open. As if struck by lightning, he sits up and gasps for air. "Holy shit." He is pointing to the baby dragon. "You! When, how, why?" Jeongguk shakes his head, of course there will be no answer coming from it.

The whelpling tilts its head to one side as if looking at him questioningly.

"Hmm are you a boy or a girl?" Jeongguk bends down, his body half hanging off the floor, while his legs stay on the bed. He tries to see the specific place where he can identify the gender. "Are you shy?" He giggles as the whelpling puts his little tail in front of the prince's eyes. "I almost believe that you can understand me." Another giggle can be heard from him. He's suddenly wide awake, this is way too interesting to think about sleep.

"Come on, I want to give you a name." Jeongguk tries to push the tail away, but to no avail. The little creature definitely has a lot of power in it. "Really now? If I didn't know better, I'd say you're doing this on purpose and that you're really shy." At first he said it jokingly, but now it really seems to be so. Dragons usually don't care if he looks at their private parts, especially if they have just hatched.

No wonder his mother was interested in this one, it seems really special.

"Okay, if you won't let me, I'll just call you Jimin, I can't go wrong with that." He grins, remembering his friend who always teases him that one day he will grow wings. Some dragons have them and, to be honest, Jeongguk wouldn't mind if this happened. Then he could glide through the air with them and learn more about dragons.

The whelpling snorts, makes a disagreeing noise.

Jeongguk scoffs. "If you're so against the name, let me see!" A pout forms on his face. "Why am I arguing with you at all? Jimin, are you hungry?"

The whelpling looks to the other side, completely ignoring the prince. Makes it clear that it will not listen to this name.

"Believe me, it suits you perfectly, my friend Jimin is just as stubborn as you." As soon as he has uttered the sentence, the little dragon turns so that his bottom is facing Jeongguk and lets his tail down.

"Oh, well that was unexpected." Jeongguk bends down again and clearly sees that the whelpling is a boy. "Let me see your face, I'll give you a final name now."

The whelpling looks at him, makes big googly eyes again and Jeongguk could swear it's smiling. He takes the scaly face between his hands and approaches with his own. Jeongguk's breath catches, there is something in the dragon's eyes that he cannot identify. They seem so honest, human even. A name immediately pops up in his mind. "Taehyung."

The whelping lets out a screeching noise, this time it's definitely approving. Unfortunately, something wet came out of his nose and hit Jeongguk in the face. Taehyung lifts his lips and if he could you would hear a laugh.

Jeongguk groans in disgust. "Oh my god, that's nasty. Never do that again!"

Taehyung ignores the prince again and runs back to the broken egg. He tries to squeeze into it, which he fails.

Jeongguk is watching him, trying to suppress a laugh. Taehyung doesn't give up, but either his bottom doesn't fit or his head. When the egg falls over and he lands nose first on the ground, his tail falls forward and the tip hits his nose, he finally gives up with a whine.

"Damn you are cute. Since you are still little you can come to my bed, but don't you dare do your business in it." Jeongguk lifts his finger to give more expression to his statement. He is now sure that Taehyung understands him, but cannot explain it. It's normal for some of the older dragons he has trained to understand a few commands after a while, but this one understands every word right from the beginning.

Taehyung crawls out of the egg shell and uses a cardboard box as a staircase to get into bed. Jeongguk makes room so he can sleep on his feet, but Taehyung has other plans. He lies down next to Jeongguk, hind legs stretched out, front legs under his head and then he closes his eyes.

The prince looks at him in disbelief, but doesn't say anything, since he has to admit it's really adorable. He lays his head on the pillow, face to the whelping and stares at him until his eyes close from tiredness.

✔ Purple Glow // BTS Taekook 18 +Where stories live. Discover now