Welcome to Azumi High

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I was awoken to the sound of my alarm clock and hit the snooze button as usual. Once I finally got up and got dressed, I ate breakfast like I normally would, in hopes of tricking myself into believing that everything was back to normal, but I wasn't fooled. In fact, it reminded me just how much things have changed and how empty this house had became...

There's a subtle knock on the door

"Come in" I say and my mother peers her head in before entering and sitting on my bed

"I know things have been tough, but you'll get through it" She spoke gently with eyes full of sorrow
"First days are tough, and first days at new schools in the middle of the year are even tougher, but I believe in you" She gave a soft tug at my cheek

"Mom" I say blushing and shaking her off and that's when I see it. I catch a pair of twinkling eyes wandering in my room before suddenly disappearing once eye contact was made.

I let out a soft chuckle

"Come on in Na-"

There wasn't a chance for me to finish my sentence before my little sister Natsu came darting in and jumped on me. "Good morning Sho! I hope you have a great first day at school." She so innocently said while hugging me. I couldn't help but smile at her purity.


"There's the Hinata Shoyo I know, now get going. You can't be late for your first day!" My mom said while ushering me out of my room.

I waved good bye to my family and then I was off. Heading into an unknown place, with unknown people, and unknown possibilities.

"I might as well look at the positives in this situation I'm in." I mumble to myself as I take in my surroundings while heading to school.

"Azumi... Safe residency?"
I pause for a moment to think about if I'll actually be safe...
"We'll see about that"

Within ten minutes I reached the school and was captivated by the mesmerizing Azumi High. Everything was so bright, colorful, and alive. Beautiful pink Camellia Sasanquas and an aqua blue stream greeted me upon my entrance.

Astounded by what was around me, I forgot to look ahead and before I knew it, I was sent spiraling to the ground with a loud Thud

"Hey are you alright?" An unknown voice called out

"Is he dead?" Another said

"Tsukki don't say that"

It was hard for me to see them since the sun had been shining down so bright in my face.

*Scoff* "So much for safe" I mutter, slowly making my way off the ground.

When I finally stood up, I was standing in front of two rather tall males. One with greenish hair and the other with blonde. Might I add that the blonde one was towering over me.

"Are you alright?" The one with green hair said "You tripped over my feet and fell pretty hard."

"I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"Well that much was obvious ." Snapped the blondie, only to be elbowed by his green haired companion after.

"Tsukki be nice! I'm sorry about him"

"Oh no it's fine, in a new place that's as big as this I should be more attentive." Speaking of big places, I'm never gonna find my way around this place!

"Since I have you here, do you know where the administration office is?" I say shyly while rubbing the back of my head.

" I just transferred here and don't really know where I'm going"

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