My house, sure you can come over...

15 1 0

~Last Chapter~

"Kageyama..." I say looking up at him

"Hmm... *gasp* what's wrong? You look pale!"

"I think I'm gonna-" And in the blink of an eye I was throwing up all over Kageyama's shoes

~Current Chapter~



"Eh? Ahhhhhh" Kageyama exclaims as the nurse walks in

"So Hinata, you're awake." The nurse says with a smile on her face as she approaches me

"M-my shoes..." Kageyama says in a shaking voice

"Heh, sorry" I do feel a little bit better now that I've thrown up, but still apologetic due to the fact it was all over Kageyama's shoes.

"Well nausea is a symptom of having a concussion. Now that you're awake, I'd like to check a few things. Kageyama go get cleaned up in the bathroom over there." The nurse ran a series of tests on me and concluded that I had a mild concussion and needed to go home.

Once Kageyama returned she asked him to help me walk home then advised Kageyama to go home as well.

"The both of you need rest after today's events. Hinata you can come back to school in a week once we're sure you no longer have a concussion. Kageyama you stay home tomorrow, rest over the weekend and return on Monday."

The nurse gave clear instructions on what I should and should not do and told Kageyama to get checked out at the doctors because of his heart.

Once I was finally get to my feet Kageyama has to help me walk home since my balance was still a bit shaky.

I felt bad, within the first hour of meeting Kageyama I made him become my personal guide, ruined his shirt and shoes, caused him so much panic that he passed out, and NOW I'm having him help walk me home... talk about being a nusiance.

"Would you mind telling Daichi- San and Suga-San that I will not be at practice until Monday? I'll give them a call later today once I reach home"

"Sure thing" The nurse says while waving us off, I wonder what practice Kageyama is missing. Could it be a band rehearsal? He probably plays lead guitar, or maybe baseball...

"Hey Kageyama?" I ask him as we exit the beautiful school campus.


"What practice are you missing because of me?"


"VOLLEYBALL?! No wayyyy!" My face lit up with joy because I had hoped this school actually had a team so I could finally play. "I love volleyball, what position are you?"

"I'm a setter."

"Oooooo so coooollll! I'm a middle blocker, but I really love to spike!" Kageyama stopped and stared at me wide eyed as if this news were very shocking

"Middle blocker?" He questioned me with a perplexed face

"Yeah, surprising considering my height right? I am pretty good at it though."

"Did you play on a team at your old school?" He asked starting to walk again

"No, there weren't enough players for a male team, it was just me. However, I got by practicing and playing with an unofficial team."

"Well at least you got to practice, if you want, you could come join our team here."

"Really! I can do that?!"

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