Kageyama's Stay and Raging Nightmares

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‼️Advisory‼️ Domestic Violence in this chapter (graphic) also this chapter is longer.


Of course not directly pointing out and admiring each and every one of Kageyama's flawless features...

Am I attracted to Kageyama??

I mean there's nothing wrong with thinking that another male is good looking right? It's just stating the obvious, the facts. Yeah.... yeah nothing weird or wrong here. I'm just going to go to sleep...

Several hours later

"Stop it Mei!" I'm awoken to shouts and scuffling from downstairs

"Mhmmm" I groan getting up from my bed to peak out in the hall when I hear a glass shatter downstairs and come to realize my mother is screaming

"QUIET! YOU'LL WAKE EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE!" Says a gruffly voice then I hear a *smack* as if someone dropped a heavy textbook on the ground

I rush downstairs to the Kitchen and am frozen when I lay my eyes on the bone chilling sight in front of me. My mother was covered in bruises, trembling, and could barely hold herself up.

"What are you-" My voice was shaky and stricken with fear as I gazed upon the eerie stranger standing in our kitchen with an I assume empty bottle of sake in his hands.

"What are you doing *hiccup* up boy?" He turned around to face me and the blood drained completely from my body leaving me colorless. I came to realize that the man was my drunken father and I was frozen yet again.

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION DAMMIT!" Slamming the bottle of Sake on the ground and stepping closer startling me.

"I-I heard a noise and came to see what was going on."

"Now that you've seen, go on back to bed."

"I-I can't d-do that" I say nearly pissing myself at the face he made at me


"Sho, please go back to bed" My mother says with the warmest smile on her face. I don't know how she can still speak so gently even in her current condition.

"No! I won't."

My father sighs and shakes his head at me before he sends a ferocious backhand my mother's direction and she's knocked down to the ground.

"Learn to control your child!" He says raising his hand to hit my mother once again.

"Yameruuuuu!" I shout teary eyed charging at my father to stop him from sending another hit my mother's way and I end up getting punched and sent crashing into the kitchen counter, falling to the ground. He slowly walks over to me and picks me up by my hair.

"Please don't hit her again." I beg as he throws me back into the counter just to pick me up by my hair again.

"You're a sorry excuse for a son, it's your fault your mother is like this anyway, maybe I should punish you this time instead of her." My fault? What could I have done that would justify this happening to my mother. This time? Punish me?!?

"Children make mistakes!" My mother cries out "Don't punish my child Mei! Please!" My mother is completely in tears pleading to take the beating for me. How many times has she gone through this for my sake?

"If you insist..." My dad says throwing me yet again into the counter. I cover myself head with my hands and burry myself in my knees refusing to look up.

"Lift your head!"

No!" I cry out, I can't bare to see the sight of my mother.

"I SAID LIFT YOUR HEAD DAMMIT!! "He says while kicking me in the shins "You wanted to stay down here so bad, now look up!" Sending another powerful kick my way causing my shins to bruise "Or do you want to make this even worse for your mother?"

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