Look Alive...

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Hello.. Well this is my first time uploading so if it's shitty I'm sorry. But enjoy though c:

- My Chemical Michelle

"Bad news from the zones tumble weeds, it looks like Jet Star and Kobra Kid had a clap with an exterminator that went all Costa Rica, and ah, got themselves ghousted... Dusted out on route Guano. So it's time to hit the red line and up thrust the volume out there. Keep your boots tight, keep your gun close, and die with your mask on if you've got to... Here, is the traffic." Dr. Deathdefying's voice drifted through the radio currents and into Party Poison's ears.

 His mouth parted in shock and he slid down against the Trans Am, into a sobbing heap on the sandy desert ground. Poison buried his head in his hands and wept.

 He heard low foot steps approaching him and he instinctivly grabbed for his ray  gun. He slid it half way out of the holster around his hips, ready to aim and fire.

 "Poison! What happened?" A familiar voice coated in concern called.

 "Oh... Fun Ghoul... It's just you." Poison said through deep breaths and sobs, and he slid his ray gun back down into the holster.

 "What happened? Are you ok?" Fun Ghoul asked as he crouched down next to Party Poison.

 "K-Kobra Kid and... And Jet Star got... Got themselves dusted..." He managed to choke out between sobs.

 Fun Ghoul's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates and tears began to spill over and splash down his pale, dusty face.

 "Oh my god..." Ghoul muttered and consumed Poison into a consoling hug.

 "I'm so sorry you lost your brother Poison." Fun Ghoul whispered. Party Poison's tears flowed down his cheeks, leaving then tear stained and pale.

There they sat, in the middle of the desert with nothing around them except a few scattered piles of rubble that used to be buildings and houses, crying.

 Party Poison's tears ceased after a while and he looked off into the sky. A vacant and lost look fille dhis eyes. You could see the pain of the loss when you gazed into his watery hazel orbs.

 "Poison?" Fun Ghould asked quietly. Party Poison blankly glanced at Ghoul.

 "I found someone in that pile of debris over there." Ghoul pointed into the near but far distance at what looked to be a collapsed building.

 "I know this is a hard time for you right now, it is for me too. It's hard loosing two people who've been in your life for god knows how long... But I think we should get the survivor and take them back to the diner. Maybe it'll help clear our minds, I dunno.." Ghoul suggested with his hands holding Poison's.

 Party Poison thought for a moment.

 "Alright." He finally said as he climbed into the driver's seat of the Trans Am, as Fun Ghoul sank into the passanger's seat.

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