Chapter 10

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Everyone had soon drifted into a heavy, and much needed sleep. Party Poison and Fun Ghoul fell asleep next to each other holding hands. But in one hand, Poison clutched his brother's helmet as if for dear life. The voices from the radio mingled with the sounds of the crackling fire and drifted into the night air.

A loud, echoing bang and blood curdling scream awoke Galaxy Venom. Her eyes shot open and she whipped out both her ray guns from her waist holsters and whirled her head from left to right, scanning the black night to see what rudely woke her. But her eyes fell upon nothing. Her mind began to race, she heard a voice and her eyes darted around at the empty desert.

'Oh... it's just the radio.' She told herself when she realized they'd left it in. She climbed down from the rock to see if Ghoul or Poison had heard the noise.

Her mind clearly wasn't thinking straight... she was a little more then just scared at the moment...

'Well they mostly likely did. I mean come on it was a fucking loud bang...' She thought and shook her head at her ignorance while she climbed down to the ground where the two boys were.

Galaxy Venom's eyes widened, for what she saw frightened her. Ghoul was holding Party Poison in his arms and muttering 'no' repeatedly.

"What happened?!" Galaxy Venom was scared.

"P-Poison was blasted... by a Drac." Fun Ghoul shakily informed her. "I woke up when I heard the blast."

Tears started to race down Ghoul and Venom's faces at warp speed. Hearing that a Drac shot Poison made something snap inside of her, her mood suddenly turned angry and hostile.

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