Chapter 7

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A serious mood had coated the trio as they sat in the car and sped down the road toward the Dracs.

"Fuck!" Fun Ghoul shouted when he peered out the rear view mirror. What he saw was a unit of Dracs chasing them down the road on BLI motorbikes.

Ghoul and Venom got half way out the windows as Party Poison sped up. Ray guns were pulled from holsters, locked and loaded, ready to shoot.

Ghoul was the first one to shoot; his ray ricocheted off one of the bikes and hit a Drac, causing him to tumble to the asphalt, and taking a fellow Drac down with him.

"Fuck yeah! Dusted his ass!" Ghoul screamed.

Galaxy Venom raised both her guns and aimed as steadily as she could. The trigger was squeezed and two rays shot out at lightening speed. Her targeted Dracs were hit and ghosted on impact. She smirked and watched their lifeless bodies fall to the ground.

"Holy shit! That was fucking amazing Galaxy Venom!" Ghoul bellowed praisingly over the roar of the engines from both the Trans Am and the bikes.

A shot was fired from one of the Dracs guns. Several of the others started to shoot their ray guns as well. The rapid fire began to go back and forth. One of the Dracs shot the tire of the Trans Am.

"Shit!" Party Poison shouted from inside the car. His voice was mixed with horror, anger, and worry.

Galaxy Venom fired several aimless shot into the pack. A large sum of Dracs were hit and crashed to the pavement. Several of them collided with each other. It was quite an ugly scene.

Another ray ripped through the tire on the opposite side. The car slowed down drastically and came to a very sudden screeching stop. The three Killjoys bolted out of the vehicle and took off running.

Now only three Dracs remained. They hopped off and abandoned their motorbikes to chase the Killjoys through the rocky sand.

"Keep running!" Fun Ghoul screamed.


The brutally hot sun was now setting and the trio was no longer being chased. They'd dusted the last one from the Unit several miles back. Or so they thought...

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