Chapter 5

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"Fun Ghoul? Oi... Ghoul. Wake up!" Galaxy Venom whispered and poked the sleeping male.

Ghoul had fell asleep with Party Poison leaning on his chest. They'd cuddled up in a booth; Fun Ghoul with his back pressed on the wall and Party Poison resting on his chest.

"Fun Ghoul!" Galaxy Venom whispered in a loud harsh whisper.

"What?" He hissed back in a yawn and stirred in his seat.

"Wake the fuck up." Venom shook his shoulder playfully. Fun Ghoul stretched and noticed the body still sleeping soundly on him.

"Come on Poison, get up." He prodded Party Poison in the stomach until he began to stretch.

"No god dammit." The dyed-red haired male muttered stubbornly and buried his head deeper into Fun Ghoul's chest. Finally, Party Poison lazily rose from the table and went off to make a pot of his beloved coffee.

Kinda just a short chapter I dunno. It really has no point I just liked it.


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