Chapter 6

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A loud boom echoed through the diner, causing several things to rattle or shake. Fun Ghoul was sitting at a table with Galaxy Venom while Dr. Death-defying and Party Poison were in the back planning what there next attack would be.

"What the actual fuck?" Ghoul called when the rattling stopped. Poison and Dr. D came rushing out. Poison went just outside the doors and looked into the distance where a huge cloud of dust had formed. He whirled around and pulled the doors open.

"The Dracs are back." Poison announced and headed to the garage they'd added on to the diner where they kept their gear and things like that.

Another loud boomed rattled through the desert.

"Fuck, they're getting closer." Venom called.

They hurriedly grabbed their gear and readied themselves.

Fun Ghoul placed his ray gun in his shoulder holster, pulled on his black boots, and knotted a bandana around the bottom half of his face.

Galaxy Venom grabbed an extra waist holster and ray gun. She laced her boots extra tight and grabbed her own bandana; a black one covered with red and white stars.

A ray gun was slid into its side holster by Party Poison. He pulled on his jacket and quickly zipped up his boots. A yellow mask hung from a chair handle, Poison grabbed it and slid it on.

"Well we look pretty fucking bad ass." Fun Ghoul beamed as he glanced around at his fellow comrades.

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