Chapter 11

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"Fucking bastards." Fun Ghoul sobbed; he was still holding on to Party Poison.

"I can't live without him. I can't. I don't want to be around if he's not." Ghoul said through thick tears.

"Fun Ghoul, I know you loved him more then anyone in the whole world, but you have to keep running. He would have wanted you to carry on...." Venom spoke as tears flowed fast down her pale face.

"I have to be with him one way or another. You were an amazing friend Galaxy Venom. But I have to do this. I love him to much to not be with him." Fun Ghoul firmly grasped Venom's hand and pulled her down to where she was level with him. They stared into each others eyes. Venom searched for an answer in Ghoul's eyes, but she found nothing. What she was looking for, she wasn't quite sure. But when she looked into his green orbs, she realized what he meant when he was saying those words only moments ago. And she knew nothing would change his mind.

"I'm gonna miss you Venom. I know Poison will too. Take care of yourself." He pulled his ray gun out if his holster. Galaxy Venom was shaking and fresh tears poured from her eyes.

"Ghoul don't, stay for me." She sobbed barely above a whisper.

"I'm sorry Venom, I have to be with him. I love you." He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and kissed her cheek. He then kissed the lifeless forehead of Party Poison, grabbed his hand, Venom realized Poison's lifeless hand still clutched to Kobra Kid's helmet.

Ghoul looked into Galaxy Venom's eyes for the last time.

"Carry on.." Ghoul paused and a small smiled formed on his lips, "and keep running.... for us..." He whispered these words then calmly pulled the trigger with the same hand he held Party Poison's in.

Galaxy Venom let out a horrified sobbing scream. Ghoul's hand was still grasping hers. She looked down at their tangled hands then at the two lifeless bodies that laid before her.

Poison and Ghoul were still leaned against the rock, and there hands were together. And the ray gun laid in between there connected hands.

"I'm never letting go." Galaxy Venom whispered into the silence. She rested her head against Fun Ghoul's chest and sobbed quietly and listened to the low voices from the radio. She heard a familiar voice and turned up the volume. It was Dr.D reporting about new things happening with the BLI.

Venom's thick icy tears didn't seem to stop.

"How sweet." A sickening voice cooed.

"We knew killing Poison would kill off Ghoul as well.. Now.. for you my sweet little Venom.." A man's voice spoke quickly and a snicker left his lips, followed by a soft cocking of a ray gun. Galaxy Venom whirled around but she didn't pull out her guns fast enough. A beam raced from the gun barrel, and penetrated right through Galaxy Venom's chest.

The sounds of foots steps faded away into the night..

It was all over.

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