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"If they destroy that building it will crush the moonstone underneath" was the first thing out of Willa's mouth as the others headed home "we can't let that happen"

"Wexton and Addison can help" I tried to soothe her.

"Maybe, once she's one of us. But till then I lead this pack" she snapped back.

"Wait, she?" I cut her off "why just she? Why didn't you mention Wexton?" Willa sighed at me calling out her slip up.

"I just said she because Wexton already is one of us" Willa replied, a softer expression than normal on her face.

"What do you mean?"

"I know he's your mate Wyatt" my eyes widened at her words. I had only told Wynter that Wexton was my mate.

"H-how did you know?"

"The way you act with him, it's different than you act with anyone else. I can see it in the way you look at him" she explained " I'm happy for you brother, Wexton is a part of this pack and a part of this family, and I will always treat him as such. As for Addison, I'm just not sure"

I was amazed at how well Willa was taking this. The pack meant everything to her and the fact that she was welcoming Wexton into the pack so easily made me happy.

"Thank you Willa" I spoke holding onto her hand.

"Of course" she said while pulling me into a hug " now let's go speak to the others"

"We need to stop them from destroying the moonstone" Willa spoke out to the pack from atop the staircase "whatever it takes" she finished, howling out to the pack. The pack immediately howled back. We could do this, we could save our pack. I know it.


The walk back home was tense and awkward. Zed wouldn't even look at me.

"Dude, can we talk about this?" I spoke up as we neared our house.

"Talk about what? The fact that you have a family that cares about you but you want to run away with wolves?" Zed snapped as we walked through the front door.

"Who's running away with wolves?" dad spoke up as he came out from the kitchen " and where the heck were you two? I've been worried sick"

"Wexton! Wexton is running away with wolves! I went to go save him and Addison because I thought they were kidnapped by wolves but it turns out that Wexton is running away with them!" Zed yelled.

"Wexton, werewolves are not good company" dad scolded " what were you thinking going to hang around them" before I could even get another word in Zed spoke again.

"Oh, no dad. Wexton doesn't just want to hang out with wolves. Wexton thinks he IS ONE"

"WELL MAYBE I AM ONE" I yelled, shutting up Zed's ranting.

"I'm not a zombie Zed! As much as you may feel like I am one cause I grew up with you doesn't make me one" I snapped.

"Son, what has brought all this on?" dad tried to diffuse the tension.

"I love you guys. You're my family but I'm different and we can't keep pretending I'm not. I'm not a zombie. I'm a kid that was found in the woods who was too weird to be adopted by a normal family" I started to explain "have you ever wondered why I was so different? I have, and these wolves finally might have an answer to that"

"You're not weird son, your hair is just a little different" dad tried.

"But I am weird. I'm not like all the other regular people in Seabrook, I'm not a zombie, maybe I'm a wolf. When I was with the wolves I finally felt like I belonged somewhere" I kept trying to explain.

"Just because you're a little different doesn't mean you're a wolf" dad spoke again, getting impatient.

"Whatever, forget it. I knew you guys wouldn't get it. It's all about fitting in in this family right?" I snapped before storming off to my bedroom. I heard my dad calling after me but I just ignored it.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about my night with the wolves. While I was with them I never once was thinking about how different I was, I wasn't worried about saying or doing something weird, and for once I was noticed. The wolves danced with me, they checked to make sure I was okay when Zed pushed me. I felt safe and at home and this is without even bringing up Wyatt. Wyatt made it all even better. The way he held my hand, the way he rushed over the minute I was in trouble. Zed took ages to apologize let alone make sure I was okay, Wyatt was there for me in seconds.

Sitting up, I looked out the window to look at the moon. I already missed being at the den. Maybe I should just go back. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to go back, my thoughts only interrupted by my door creaking open. Snapping my head towards the door I saw the small green pigtails of Zoey peeking around the door.

"Zoey? What are you doing awake?" I asked as she crept into the room, closing the door behind her.

"Do you really think you're a wolf?" she questions with a smile as she jumped up to sit on my bed.

"Yeah. I do" I responded softly.

"Well I think that's cool, even if dad and Zed don't" Zoey spoke strongly.


"Yeah! It would be even better than having a were-friend, instead I'd have a were-brother" she explained, a huge grin overtaking her face.

"That would be pretty cool huh?" I grinned back. My smile fell quickly though.

"Why are you sad?" Zoey asked, seeing the downcast look on my face.

"I'm just worried that dad and Zed won't accept me. I also miss the wolves" I tried to explain.

"I'll get dad and Zed to understand! I know they will" Zoey tried to cheer me up. I smiled back weakly.

"How will you know if you're really a wolf?" the little zombie tried to distract me. Smiling over at her I grabbed the small box off my bedside table. Zoey gasped in wonder when I opened it to show her the moonstone.

"If I'm really a wolf, when I put this on I'll be transformed into a werewolf" I explained as she stared at the blue stone.

"Put it on! Put it on!" Zoey cheered.

"What? No! What if it works and dad kicks me out?" I panicked " although, it would be nice if it worked, then I could go back to the wolves without worrying if I was wrong..." I trailed off.

"I won't let dad kick you out!" Zoey protested. I smiled at her before really thinking about it. If I put it on and it doesn't work then I can stop worrying and everything can go back to normal. If it does work I can go back to the wolves and worry about facing dad and Zed later. Taking a deep breath I pulled the moonstone out of the box letting it dangle between my fingers. The blue glow seemed to reflect around the room as the moonlight hit it. Zoey looked back at me with excitement as she marvelled at the moonstone.

"You can do it" Zoey encouraged, grabbing one of my hands in her small one. Taking another deep breath I unclasped the necklace and looked at Zoey.

"Let's do this"


THIS IS BY FAR MY FAVOURITE CHAPTER. Also, I believe in Zoey supremacy. She's a little queen. 

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