11 | hogsmeade and attacks

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J A M E S  P O T T E R

"Where did you get this?" Sirius gaped as he held the record in his hands.

"Ophelia gave it to me to borrow," he explained. Well, not technically Ophelia but he knew for a fact that it had been her. But he was going to stop trying to push her and let her tell him on her own. If she ever decided to do that. "Be careful with it."

"I take back any bad thing I ever said about her," he announced as he crossed the room to the record player. He pulled the record out and placed it in. A moment later, the music began to play and Sirius was grinning ear to ear. "Tell her I love her more than anything in this life."

James's nose wrinkled, "Yeah, I'm not doing that. Shut up and listen to the music."

Sirius collapsed on the bed as the album continued on. The girl had done as promised and left him with a stack of vinyls including Jazz by Queen, A Hard Day's Night and Abbey Road both by the Beatles, All Summer Long by The Beach Boys as well as Led Zeppelin and Leftoverture by Kansas.

James had no idea how much Ophelia actually enjoyed music.

"This is exactly what I-" Sirius began but then the door opened to reveal Remus. The three of them were surprised to see the boy because they had all thought he was asleep in his bed. And it was almost three in the morning.

He smiled tightly at the group before he entered his area, shut the curtains and kept to himself.

O P H E L I A  L O V E G O O D

Ophelia rubbed her arms to keep herself warm, "I told you this was a bad idea."

"I told you this was a bad idea," Reggie repeated mockingly and she rolled her eyes. While it was indeed a Hogsmeade weekend, it was freezing and most people opted to stay behind. Reggie dragged Ophelia, Coralena, Xenophilius and Pandora out so they could and she quotes, 'Have fun for once in their sorry excuse of a life.'

"Come on, if we don't hurry up, we'll be late," Ophelia reminded them as she stood up, leaving her mug of butterbeer behind. She grabbed Reggie's arm and pulled him up, "Let's go."

"Always the party pooper," Reggie teased as they all started toward the exit. "Do you even know how to have fun?"

"Of course I know how to have fun," she replied with narrowed eyes as the cold air hit her skin causing her to shiver. "I also know how to follow the rules."

"Party pooper," he repeated and she whacked him on the arm. "You're just upset because I'm right."

"Yeah, I'm-" What happened next was far too fast for any of them to react.

Ophelia felt the sharp pain across her cheek before she processed that there was a man in front of her only he wasn't fully man. She was knocked to the floor within seconds and she could feel whatever it was biting into her abdomen. She let out a scream as someone shouted, "Ophelia!"

The person was knocked off of her and Xenophilius helped her to her feet. Ophelia moved to go after him but her brother stopped her. She raised her elbow up and nailed him in the face sending him backward where she could barely tell people were fighting. She raised her wand that she pulled out from behind her ear, ignoring the pain that the bite had caused.

She could tell she was bleeding and if it didn't stop, there was no way she would remain conscious. "Stupefy!" she shouted, sending the man off of her friend.

She ran toward the boy, and fell down into the snow. "Reggie!" she shouted, shaking the boy. His eyes were opened and glazed over, unseeing. Ophelia shook her head unable to control the sobs that escaped her. "Reggie, please wake up," she tried again. "Please."

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