19 | brothers and admissions

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"You don't have to stay with me," Ophelia reminded him with a huff. She had thought that the second full moon would be easier but she was wrong. It was somehow worse.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not going anywhere."

She gestured to his face, her hand barely able to raise up, "Sorry about that."

He shrugged, touching his hand just under the cut on his cheek, "I've had worse."

"That doesn't make me feel better," she pointed out. "And what also doesn't make me feel better is that you're missing class. Remus can keep me company."

James let out a dramatic gasp, "I knew it. This whole time..."

Ophelia rolled her eyes but it made her head spin, "I'll be fine. Go to class."

He huffed before standing up, "If you insist." He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead and she smiled in satisfaction. "I'll see you at lunch."

"Yeah, yeah," she replied, waving him off.

He rolled his eyes before leaving the room.

"I thought he would never leave," Remus announced.

"I heard that!" James shouted back and Ophelia let out a restrained laugh.

R E G G I E  M C L A G G E N

"Dude is whipped," Reggie announced as he walked through the wall.

"The door was open," she informed him and he rolled his eyes.

"What's the point of being a ghost if I don't walk through walls?" he inquired and it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

His hand moved to his chest, "I'm hurt."

"And I'm waiting."

"Xeno is looking for you," he explained and Ophelia grew confused.

"Xeno?" she inquired.

"It's family day, remember," he pointed out. "You should have seen his reaction when he saw me. It was like he saw a ghost."

"Ha," she replied, unamused. "Did you tell him where I am?"

"I wasn't sure where you were," he pointed out. "But I'll go get him." He turned around and went through the wall right next to the open door.

O P H E L I A  L O V E G O O D

"Xeno," she greeted with a smile. For a brief moment she had hoped her parents would walk in behind him. They didn't. "I'm surprised they even let you come."

"They don't know I'm here," he admitted and her eyes widened. "I'm hoping they don't find out."

"You're going to be in so much trouble."

He shrugged, "It'll have been worth it."

"Doubtful," she replied with a frown. Xeno took a seat next to her. "You shouldn't have come."

"I missed you," he admitted. "And if I was stuck alone in a house with them any longer, I might lose my mind."

She laughed, "I guess that's one thing I should be happy about."

He frowned, "They'll come around."

"I'm not sure I want them to."

J A M E S  P O T T E R

Engraved Love | J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now