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Two things ran through Merlin's mind in that moment:

1.) How??
2.) No, no, no...

How was this even possible? How did they find him?

As he froze at the doorway, confused and frantic, it finally donged on him.
He searched his body, running his hands along the linen of his coat. As he slipped his hand under his collar, he felt a hardend object. He yanked it off his coat and pulled it into view.
There, was a tiny, blinking device.
A tracker.

They must've placed it on him when he arrived at R.T.I.
He immediately scowled at himself for being so stupid. He dropped it on the floor and put his foot to it hard. But, before Merlin could protest their arrival, Dracula lunged for Clarke.

Shocked, she tried to dart out of the way, but the Vampire was too quick. He tackled her to the ground with his strength and grabbed her neck. Then, he sunk his large, pointed teeth into her flesh. She screamed amd struggled, trying to get out of his grip, but he was too strong. Quickly, blood began to tickle down her neck. All of this, happened within a matter of seconds.

Merlin yelled at Dracula to get off from her while the other, unfamiliar agents tackled him. But it was no use, Dracula had the strength of 20 men.

All hell broke loose.

Hope, for a moment, seemed lost, and Merlin felt powerless. Horror spread across his face as he watched the event unfold in front of him.
As Clarke wriggled under the weight of the vampire, she pulled frantically at a chain tied along her neck. She pulled her hand out from underneath her collar, pulling out the chain of the Christian Cross.

A far fetch, Merlin knew, but to his suprise, the vampire immediately darted his eyes away and cowered, hissing a terrible noise with his bare fangs.
Dracula pulled away, vanishing into shadow.

Quick thinking, Merlin thought as he rushed to see if Clarke was okay. She kept the cross up, refusing to lower it even for a second, keeping her eyes on the Vampire as he hid in the shadows. When Merlin finally got to her and put his hands on her shoulder to ask if she was okay, before he could even react he felt a cold hard metal object being clicked around his wrists: Hand cuffs.

"What is this?" He demanded, staring at the cuffs locked around his wrists.
Clarke glanced at Merlin, although her focus was primarily on the momentarily stunned Vampire.
"Sorry Merlin, but we can't trust you. It was this, or worse, trust me." She replied, in a irritatingly unsympathetic voice.
"Are you serious?" He protested, staring with horror and offense at the restrictions now imposed on his wrists. Clarke scrambled to her feet and spoke into an ear piece as she kept her eyes on the creature that lurked in the shadows.

Merlin glanced around at the other men that Clarke had brought with her. There was 30 of them, pouring out of a black van.
They were all armed, with excessive rifles, magazines and more.
Merlin felt angry that they would even consider bringing fire power.
But then again, it wasn't likely that Merlin would allow himself be captured without a fight. They must have known this.

Still, Merlin thought, being shot at with that many bullets, would be a definite pain in the arse.
He sighed in frustration , eyeing Dracula who was starting to move again.
"That, Clarke, was probably your biggest mistake yet. Now who's going to help you fight Bloodsucker over there?" He yelled, anxiously watching Dracula prepare for another attack.
Clarke ignored him, shock written across her face at the Monster before them. Something told him that she'd likely never accounted a vampire before.

Merlin: The Return Of The Once And Future King.   (BBC MERLIN)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora