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Hey guys! I'd just like to point out that later on in this chapter you will see a painting Merlin has painted. Of course, this is not real, it is a picture I edited to look like a painting to go with the Storyline. I just want to point out this is Bradley James but i've edited him (It's a face fusion type of edit) so it is also Charlie Hunnam. (An Actor who fantastically portrayed Arthur in 'King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword!')
I loved these two actors for their portrayal of King Arthur so I decided to mix them together to create the 'ultimate' Arthur for this painting.  Obviously, this story is about Bradley's Arthur, and I do visualise Arthur as Bradley's, but I wanted to be a bit creative with the painting, so I ended up mixing Bradley with Charlie.
Please don't let this put you off; This story is about the one and only Bradley James adaption of Arthur. (No one could replace Bradley or Colin!)


Everyone in the room hastily swung around to Merlin after hearing what he had just said.
Chloë was the first to speak, "Did he just say Arthur? As in, King Arthur?"

Suddenly, he was lightheaded. He stood up too fast and began to bump into several chairs and tables.
"Woah, Merlin. You don't look too good." Said Brie in a concerned voice as everyone around the table stood up, uneasy.
He couldn't breathe, he needed to breathe. Tears flooded his eyes, utter terror consumed him.
Suddenly, his vision went fuzzy. He buckled onto his knees before the darkness overwhelmingly took over, loosing his sight.
His hearing was the last thing to go. He remembered the gasp of someone close to him and the sound of running feet before he collapsed onto the hard, cold floor and suddenly, nothing.

Merlin sat bolt upright, making the people around him jump. Numerous faces surrounded him. Pain spread across his teeth and he could taste blood. Fear and confusion filled his entire body,
What happened?
He had to take control of his breathing and fear.
"Merlin, are you okay?"
He looked up to find Clarke staring at him, her hand on his shoulder.
"You gave us all a fright there. Here, have some water."
Merlin accepted the glass and drank it empty, washing away the taste of blood in his mouth.
Thankfully, his teeth were intact. But it hurt, a lot.
Then, he remembered.
"Arthur!" He yelled, scrambling up to his feet.
Jared ran to him, stopping him from falling again, "Woah there!"
He helped support his weight as he said in a gentle tone, "Easy. You need to have some rest."
"No, I can't." Merlin said defiantly as he tried to make his way out of the room.
Jared made his way in front of Merlin, stopping him in his tracks.
"Look man, you need to tell us what's wrong. Are you sure that's Arthur? I mean, technically, it really couldn't be."
Merlin looked at him and then said in a cracked voice, "Yes, I'm sure."
And before anyone could stop him, he sent a wave of magic their way, knocking them off their feet.

Merlin stared at the ceiling, trying to wrap his head around the situation. Brie was the only brave one to come after him after he knocked them off their feet. She brought him to a room and sat him on a bed.
They said nothing for a while before Brie said, "Look. I don't know what you've been through in your life. I don't know you very well and you don't know me. But, I can tell when someone needs a friend. I'm here if you need me."
Merlin looked at her and smiled with gratitude. He didn't exactly know her and he couldn't bring himself to trust her, but the gesture itself was sweet.
Then unplanned, tears began to fall from his eyes.
He didn't even try to hide it. He didn't care. What he really cared about was if that really was Arthur. Merlin couldn't bring himself to check the video again for clearance. Watching it once was enough. But how could he even be here? Arthur had been dead all this time. Merlin had spent most of his life without Arthur at this stage, the pain of his loss always following him. How could he muster the strength to go meet him after all this time?
What if Merlin had changed?
What if Arthur couldn't even recognize him, or worse, he could and he was disgusted with what he saw. Merlin couldn't even bare the thought, it was all too much.

Merlin: The Return Of The Once And Future King.   (BBC MERLIN)Where stories live. Discover now