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Merlin wished he had said more to Gaius, even if it was a dream. There was so much more to say. But the dream still brought some comfort to Merlin- apart from the whole quest thing.
Every night, his dream was the same. Last night, it was not.
He was, to be honest, rather glad of the change because he got to see Camelot like it used to be for most of the time- happy. That was until his dream converted back to the old one with the dragon. But, even then it was still different. In the origional, the scenery had always been the same, it had never once changed to whispy smoke and total blackness.
And, Gaius had said about some sort of quest. He wasn't entirely sure, it was still a bit fuzzy but did Gaius mention having to face 3 trials, having to fight darkness and again, the fate of the world resting on his shoulders? Merlin was feeling really anxious. He didn't know how to process it. What entirely did Gaius mean?

Merlin had woken up early, 6:30am to be exact. He made his daily cup of tea and some toast. Then he walked into his room to pack for the rest of the day. He slid his hand into the back of his pocket and pulled out a bullet. He'd forgotten that he'd had it and observed it closer. It seemed rather ordinary, apart from the engraved symbol at the bottom of the round. But, he knew it was no ordinary bullet. No bullet had ever hurt him as much as this one had. He put the bullet back into his pocket.

Merlin had decided that he would take the offer up the deaf man had offered and head to London. But, to tell the truth, Merlin was worried. London was a really public place and being in his situation, it wasn't smart walking in the way he was. Thankfully, it was Halloween night. The streets would be overly busy yes, but he could wear a costume. This way, he'd not be caught.

As soon as he bought a costume, (Dracula.) He hijacked a car and was on his way to London. It took hours to get there and the mask on his face made it really stuffy and hard to breathe, but he did enjoy the view. Going for hourless drives was strangely therapeutic.

It had been a long day. Merlin only stopped for toilet breaks and for food. Thankfully he got at his destination for 11.45PM. He walked to Pete's bar and sat at a table, waiting for the man to show. He took off his costume and he literally watched the clock, for ages.
Midnight came and there was no sign of the man. Had he been set up? The bar man got up after the last of his customers left and began to lock up. Merlin tried to tell him to wait, that he was waiting on someone, but the Man ignored him and continued anyway, with Merlin still inside.
Finally, a middle-aged woman entered from the back.
She wore a grey suit and had her blonde hair tied back into a tight bun. She wore red lipstick and had a serious look about her. Her startling grey eyes pierced at Merlin, letting him know she was here for business. Who was this woman?
Her black heels clicked against the floor as she walked towards Merlin and sat at his table. The bar-manager gave her a nod of respectful recognition and she waved her hand, letting him know it was time for him to leave. She exchanged her hand out and gave Merlin a firm hand shake. Merlin was confused as to what was going on and looked at her curiously.

She began to speak, in a firm British voice,
"My name is Catriona Clarke. You may address me as Clarke here at this organisation."
Merlin knodded, taking the time to analyse what he could about her. She came from that back room, indicating that they may not be alone. Judging at how the bar man treated her, she had a high authority here. Judging by what the stranger had told Merlin the other night, this was the boss. If he pulled any wrong move, who knows would be waiting for him behind that door. The front door to exiting the place was locked, but that was in no way going to stop Merlin. If anything where to happen, that's where he would have to make a run for it.

"I can tell from your darting eyes that you're creating a plan of action in your head. Not to worry though, if you co-operate I'm sure no harm will come to you."
Already, Merlin didn't like this woman. Who did she think she was?
She continued anyway, "Now, firstly. What is your real name?"
Merlin stayed in defiant silence, reluctant to answer the question.
"If we're going to get anywhere sir, your name will be essential." She began to tap her painted nails against the table, patiently waiting, determined to get this piece of information from him.

Merlin: The Return Of The Once And Future King.   (BBC MERLIN)Where stories live. Discover now