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Bullets shot behind them as Arthur ran, doing his best not to get hit.
He was a fast runner, but carrying Merlin slowed him down.
"Can't you, I don't know, use some sort of magic?" Arthur cried, dashing into a closed street.
"No," Merlin cried, "That bullet puts an immediate halt to it!"
Arthur kept running, but he knew that it would be almost impossible to escape. They had guns and cars, Arthur had a magicless Merlin and his feet.

As he ran into a high street, he almost got run over by a car. He forgot how different the world was today. It was no longer horses, but cars that were used as transport these days. (He knew about cars because Merlin had explained it to him.)

As he dashed down the street, Merlin groaned in his arms.
"Hey," Arthur wondered aloud, "What the hell were you doing with a vampire anyway?"
Merlin, still groaning from the pain of the bullet wound in his leg, managed to mutter something along the lines of: "Morgana is back. He can help."

Arthur dodged another bullet, bashing his shoulder into a wooden fence.
"Yeah," he answered. "Help get us all killed!"
Merlin groaned again in response.
"Dollophead," Arthur sighed breathlessly, running and dodging down the street as if he were playing dodgeball in a P.E. lesson.

"Down there!" Merlin yelled, pointing towards an entrance to an underground tube station.
Arthur followed in the direction he suggested, thankful that the streets were relatively clear from pedestrians as it was early in the morning.
He burst in through the doors, and jumped over the automated fare gates, Merlin still in his arms.

"Woah," Merlin groaned. "That was really impressive, I've never seen someone jump that high while carrying someone— Ow!"

"Sorry," Arthur replied, having accidentally wacked Merlin's leg against a wall. But Merlin was right, even his own strength and agility suprised him. He was fairly certain that he'd never been this athletically strong and fast before.

"Hey!" Two security guards yelled at them, as they picked up into a run after them.
"Great," Arthur sighed. "Now we've got an extra two on our tail!"
They ran down the stairs, finding their way at the tube platform.
There was a lot of people here now, some exiting and some entering a tube.
Arthur was suprised to see so many people up this early, but then he remembered, Merlin had briefly explained to him the way of life in London here; Many people were expected to get up early for 'work'.

"There!" Merlin yelled,
"Catch that Tube!"
"Working on it," Arthur groaned, bumping into people, trying to move as quickly as possible through the large crowd.
A gun shot fired,
"Shit!" Merlin groaned, "Language!" Arthur chived.
People screamed and scattered, as the R.T.I. agents caught up behind them.

"Run!" Merlin yelled, "I am!" Arthur yelled back.
The tube read "Wimbledon" in neon green letters on an electronic sign, indicating that was where it was going to head.

The tube doors began to close, and the agents were gaining on them.
With one large leap, Arthur pounced for the tube, and landed inside the tube platform, as the doors closed behind them. Arthur and Merlin rolled to the floor, as people scrambled out of the way.
"They seem to be in a hurry to get home," a bystander on the platform said, eyes widened in alarm.

The tube picked up speed, and began to leave. A bullet shot at the window screen one last time, leaving a crack in the window.
People ducked and screamed.
Arthur pulled himself to his feet and ran towards the window;
As the tube drove away into the tunnel on the tracks, Arthur saw the agents come to a halt on the platform, watching angrily as they got away.

Merlin: The Return Of The Once And Future King.   (BBC MERLIN)Where stories live. Discover now