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6th Feb, 2021.

Thank you for all your support  and for even reading this far.
I don't know if my story is even that good, its the only one I've ever written in my life; So, I think im doing pretty good considering that.

If you have any suggestions that you want to see in this novel, please don't be afraid to comment them.
I always read the comments.
I appreciate every single one of them.
Honestly, I can't even describe the joy it brings me to see comments under my chapters, people engaging with the story and enjoying it!


If you would like to continue to show support for this story, please vote every chapter! Vote, vote, vote!! ❤

I promise I will get you new chapters written soon.
I'm currently writing up some now, so hang in there and wait and see!

- Alchemicalmuse


As a bonus,  here are some Merlin and Arthur videos from YouTube:
(Each video belongs to the owner, respectively)

Merlin: The Return Of The Once And Future King.   (BBC MERLIN)Where stories live. Discover now