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"Morning." Arthur spoke.
Merlin opened his eyes, and yawned.
At the foot of the bed, Arthur stood, coffee in his hand.
"I didn't even know you knew how to make coffee," Merlin admitted, rubbing his eyes.
Arthur grinned, and set the cup down on the bedside table. He marched over to the curtains, and yanked them open.
Sunlight burst in through the window; Merlin cowered under his quilt, covering his eyes.
Arthur then immediately tugged the quilt, revealing Merlin's face. Merlin groaned.

"Get up, Dollaphead." Arthur commanded, throwing a change of clothes at Merlin's face.
Merlin, just awoken, was too tired to dodge. Accepting his fate, he watched grogily, as the clothes flew towards his face. But then, suddenly, his eyes changed a hot yellow, and the clothes magically stopped, in mid air.
Merlin and Arthur both dropped their jaws.
"Your magic's back?" Arthur asked, eyeing the floating clothes above Merlin's face.
The clothes then ironically, dropped onto his face.

"Finally," Merlin said, brushing the clothes aside, sitting up from the bed. "I was wondering how much longer it was going to take to return."
"Hmm," Arthur replied, turning around to pick up a crimson apple from the fruit bowl. He took a bite.


"Dosen't it feel strange," Arthur uttered, pondering on his thoughts as he stared at his bitten apple.
"What?" Asked Merlin, picking up his clothes and standing up.
Arthur waved his apple in the air, as he began to pace the room,
"I'm so used to you waking me up, and making me drinks. But today, do take notice, I actually did it for you."

Merlin rolled his eyes.
"Where were you anyway?" He asked, observing a fully clothed Arthur.
"I went for a run," Arthur answered, setting his apple down on the desk.
"And," he spun around and faced Merlin, "I found this at the front door."
He handed Merlin an envelope. Merlin looked intrigued, and scanned the back of the envelope.

"Merlin and Arthur" it read.

Merlin's heart leapt into throat.
"I know," Arthur said, "I haven't opened it yet, I was waiting for you. So, no, I don't know who it's from, or how they know our names."
Merlin wasted no time, and ripped the envelope open.
Enclosed was a letter, which read:

'Dear, Merlin and Arthur.

I couldn't think of any other way to do this, or how to get you both on your own. (And let's be honest, I've always had a dramatic flair.)
I need you both to meet me. At the bottom of this letter, I've enclosed an address. I trust Merlin will be able to find it.
I can't unfortunately reveal my identity yet, so I don't expect you to trust me.
But, knowing you both, you will be too curious to miss the meeting.
Meet me at the listed location tonight at 6pm.
I look.forward to meeting you both, it has been a long, long time.


Strength. "

"Strength?" Merlin asked, looking up after reading the letter aloud.
"Do you think its a code name," Arthur asked, "After all, whoever sent this letter admitted they couldn't reveal their identity."

Merlin thought for a moment, and the answered, "I have no idea."
He set the letter down on the bedside table, and lifted up his coffee. He took a sip, and ahhh.

Merlin: The Return Of The Once And Future King.   (BBC MERLIN)Where stories live. Discover now