Chapter 12

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- Jesenia

I was in shock.. After all Paris went through, after all I went through. She came just to say she was gonna sign her parental rights to me.

It hurt a little, but I honestly didn't mind.

"So you came all this way.... just to say that?" Ray said tapping his foot.

"I still wanna be apart of her life most definitely! But come on, did I really earn these mother rights? I mean look whose been taking care of her for so long? Jesenia!! Not Paris... Ray this isn't to disappoint you or anyone.. this is what I believe is best for her.." Paris stated.

I sighed.

"Ray. I side with Paris, only because that is reasonable sense." Princeton said .

Ray looked at me then Paris. then back at me.

"Why didn't I just have sex with you and got you pregnant.." he said to me with the straightest face before getting up and walking out to his balcony.

Paris sighed.

"Im gonna leave the paperwork for you and Ray to look over, once he cools down I'll be back to talk to him, promises... and this decision wasn't to hurt anyone at all..." Paris sighed.

"I understand Paris..." I said lowly.

"I'll go talk to him.." Princeton said getting up and going out to the balcony.

I walked Paris out and to her car.

"Don't worry about a thing, we will sort this out ." I said

She nodded..

"But he needs to know I -"

I cut her off.

"He will .... one piece of news at a time.." I said

She nodded.

"Okay ...thank you so much."

"Of course.." I smiled

I watched her drive off and I went back inside.. I cleaned up the plates and cups, wondering what prince was saying to ray..

- Roc

Haleigh was eating chips when I walked in the kitchen..

"Baby we needa talk." I said sitting across from her.

"What's up.."

"Well we are pretty serious aren't we.."

"Yeah.." she smiled.

I took her fingers into mind..

"Baby. I wanna start a family.."i smiled

"Really?" She squealed.

I nodded.

"Are you like serious you wanna- we wanna- baby I -"

"Haleigh yes or no." I laughed.

"Yes!! Yeah! Sure!! Of course!!"

"Great.." I said standing up and pulling her up and holding her.. "Just one thing we must get done first."

"What's that?" She whispered as she hugged me..

"Move... too a bigger place.." I whispered back.

I know we were doing everything backwards . but I really would want our kids apart of our wedding.. I just Always wanted it like that.

"Babe!" Haleigh said trotted in the room and a magazine.


"You know you said move to a bigger place..." she said as she plopped on the bed beside me.

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