Chapter Six

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..Christmas Day

- Ray Ray

I made it too bed around one AM. I had to get Sophia to bed and play santa and leave all her gifts out.

She awoke with excitement and ran to my room.

"Daddy Daddy! Santa came he leab all toys!" She giggled

I rubbed my eyes and smiled.

"Merry Christmas Babygirl." I said to her and kissed her cheek.

"Come on daddy" She cheered.

I got out my bed and she pulled my hand all through the house till we reached the living room.

I watched her as her eyes lit up.

"All mine!?" She cheered

"All yours" I smiled.

I plopped on the couch as she ran to the tree to open gifts.

I watched her destroy each and every bag, ripped all the wrapping paper, And she squealed at each gift.

"Oh Daddy! Me loves it all!" She ran to me and hugged me.

I picked her up.

"You deserve the best." I smiled.

"Mema House now?" She smiled referring to my mother.

"You ready?"

"Uhuh... Me wear my new Shoe.."

'Which ones sweetie."


"Legend Blues?"


I smiled.

I Got her light blue joggers and put them on her and a white long sleeve shirt a hoodie to match her joggers and her shoes.

I grabbed her diaper bag.

And went out to my Jeep.

I buckled her in her carseat and drove to my mothers.

- Jesenia

I Was In Puerto Rico.

Visiting my family, like I did every Christmas & My Tia's Birthdays.

"Madre.." I said to her as she cooked breakfast.

"Yes Senia." she said with her thick accent

"When is Papi Getting up? so we can get to the gifts." I giggled.

"Why dont'cha go get em eh? I'll finish up in here."

I nodded, and hurried down the hall to my parents room.

I opened the door too see him, straightening up Tuxedo. My Father always felt the need to dress formally. So as my mother. Who'd you always see in a dress .. Even cooking. She threw ans apron on an always said you must always look your best.. Something i grew up on.

Moving to California Was like freedom. I Was 16 When I bought my first pair of jeans and sneakers.

"Papi? Youve been up this whole time."

"My Dear, Papi had things to take care of.. Is Mami Ready?"

"Shes finishing up breakfast.."

He smiled.

"Ok Dear... Im coming."

I nodded and went back up the hall and seen my mother setting the table.

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