Chapter 2

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- Ray Ray

I'd just gotten home with Sophia.
We were on the living room floor playing with her Legos when there was a knock at my door.

Sophia mashed Legos together, I chuckled and got up and opened the door.

Only to see My bestest and closest friend, Jesenia Santiago.

I'd met Jesenia around the time I moved from Detroit to California. I was new to the neighborhood and who could show me around better than Jesenia who'd grew up here.

She's a big help to me, after Sophia's mom left us, Senia was the one to help care for Sophia.

I thank her everyday.

"Jes.." I smiled

"Hey cutie. how was tour?" she said walking in.

Sophia squealing and wiggling at the sight of senia. she loved her. and I loved that.

"It was good, I missed you and soph." I smiled.

"Goodness we missed you too." she said as she hugged me.

I hugged back.

"Now let me see my baby." she giggled and went over to Sophia.

The two played on the floor.

"I came by so you can rest, I know your tired... so get some rest and get your self together. im taking Soph with me okay." Jesenia said as she picked up Sophia.

I nodded.

"Thank you." I said kissing jesenias forehead then Sophia's cheek. "I love the both of you."

"We love you too." Jesenia started as Soph played in her hair. "that's why we want you to sleep, right Soph"

"Uhuh!" she nodded.

I chuckled.

"Alright alright! you too go have fun." I yawned.

She giggled and the two left.

"God what would I do with out senia." I said to myself.

I went to my room and plopped on my bed, drifting off into a deep sleep.

- Jesenia

I'd gotten Sophia and put her in my 2014 white Range Rover interior. I buckled her in her pink and blue car seat which I kept in my car for her.

I hopped in the front and pulled off.

"Sah-ne?" Sophia said referring to me

"Yes love bug?" I answered as I drove.

"Me go wif' you?"

"Yup you sure are is that ok?"


I smiled and kept driving.

Once I got to my condo I parked, I looked back to see Sophia lightly sleeping.

I got out and slowly took her out her car seat and went into my house. I took her to my room and laid her in my bed.

I did light cleaning around my place till about 3 when my phone rung.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey gal, what you doing?"

"Nothing, cleaning up while Sophia sleeps.."

"Aw howd you get her?"

"Ray is back in town, I knew he was tired so I took her off his hands for awhile."

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