Chapter 14

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... 2 months later

- Princeton

I was Sitting in the studio, it was a late night. Me & Ray were working on the song we were making together.

It was roughly two-thirty when I got a call.

"Hello?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Ray.... it's Paris something's wrong." Jesenia said before hanging up.

I grew panick knowing I couldn't tell Ray, cause yes he still doesn't know.

"Ray uh - I have to get going... lock up the place?" I said fast as I grabbed my keys running out.

"Uhm sure I -"

I didn't catch everything he said.

I hopped in my car and hurried to the hospital.

I pulled up and Jesenia was inside already.

I ran in and seen her in the waiting room with Paris' boyfriend.

"WHAT...happened?" I said out of breath.

"She got a bad nosebleed, then was coughing up blood..she bad had massive loads of sugar cells the doctors says, it's just... it's not looking well.." he said

I sighed.

"We still need to tell Ray.." Jesenia sighed.

"He's gonna be furious! He -"

"He's gonna be mad regardless dude.. we've waited so long I mean... it'll be rough that's his child's mom in there.. Sophia, will never get this chance too meet her."

I understood where Jason was coming from.

And I could tell he was hurting as well, this was his girlfriend.

We all comforted each other and waited for the doctor.

- Ray Ray

I went to get Sophia from Roc and Haleigh.

I pulled up to his house.

His new house was amazing. five bedrooms and four bathrooms. theu finally settled in about two weeks ago.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

I opened the door and came in and seen Sophia with her pink pillow knocked out on the floor in the living room.

"Hey Ray." Haleigh said friendly kissing my cheek.

"Hey Haleigh..where's roc."

"He left to go to his mothers for awhile, she called for look a little tense there..."

"Just a rough day that's all." I sighed.

"I have.. a new massage oil kit, wanna back rub?" She asked.

I looked at her.

- Haleigh

His back muscles were so attractive to me. everything about him... was attractive.

I dropped some oil on his back and slowly massaged it. soon feeling his muscles release.

"Mmm." he groaned

"What's bothering you?" I said softly.

"Just work and trying to raise Sophia... Jesenia and I. haven't had sex in forever and I'm just stressed." he said.

"I'm so sorry..." I said massaging him.

He sat up and looked at me ..

"What.." I giggled.

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