Chapter 1 .

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- Ray Ray
It's about five thirty am, im on the tour bus with my friends Princeton and Roc Royal.

I was laying on the couch scrolling through Instagram, missing Sophia by the minute, who was currently with my mother.

"Aye what's on yo mind mane' you quiet.." roc said

I looked up and shook my head.

"Nothing, just missing Sophia man.." I sighed.

He nodded.

"We on the way home mane, you'll see her soon. she missing you too." he nodded.

He was right, she is missing me. She'd had my mom call me about eight before bed and talked to me for almost ever. but I loved it, I haven't seen her in a week.

I went to my bunk and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep, awaiting my arrival to LA.


I was awoken to the bus screech and a shaking arm.

I looked up and seen Princeton shaking my arm.

"We are at the studio ray, get up." he chuckled.

I yawned and sat up.

After getting myself together, I got my phone and suitcase and got off the bus. id put my bag In my gold Jeep. then I went into the studio with the boys.

I sat in a chair, looking at Walter.

"Short tour was a success, got the word out about the new album so everything is good." he smiled.

"When do you want us back in?" roc inquired.

"In two weeks boys." walter confirmed.

I nodded.

"Anything till then?" Prince added.

"Nope just rest and get yourself together for two weeks, cause when you come back it's work work work! so go!" he dismissed.

We all said bye to him and went out to get to our cars.

"Where you headed man?" roc says walking beside me.

"To get Sophia of course, gonna take her to get a toy or something then to our house..." I said

"Alright alright, I might come through later if that's Okay?"

"Ha yeah man you welcomed Any time." I chuckled.

He nodded.

"Ima get my Lil baby something." roc said lastly, referring to Sophia.

"I'm coming to!" Prince yelled from his car.

"Alright!" I shouted back.

I hopped in my jeep and sped off to my moms house.

After fifteen minutes of traffic I got to my moms.

In a rush, I hurried out my car and right in my moms front door.

Once I walked in, I seen my brother Day Day, Holding Sophia on his lap as she ate a poptart.

"Hey babygirl." I said to Sophia.

As she chewed she looked up from TV and smiled at me.

"Daddy!" she giggled as she got off day days lap and trotted over to me. I bent over and let her run into my chest.

I picked her up.

"You missed me?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Uhuh! me miss you a lot!" she said hugging my neck.

"I missed you more baby, you ready to go?"

"Uhuh!" she nodded

"She had a bath this morning from mom, that poptart is all she had so far and juice." day day said.

I nodded

"Ok, where mom?"

"She had to leave for work."

"Ight' I'll see you later man." i said.


I got Sophia's bag and went out to my car, once I got her in I got in the front seat and drove off home.

I'm sure you're thinking having Sophia didn't seem so hard, but it's one of the toughest situations im in right now.

And you wouldn't believe have the things that happen along this journey.

Sophia, my baby Sophia whose only 3 has a big world ahead of her and doesn't even know it yet.

But who could tell her story better than her father.

may the journey begin.

Sophia Mae Lopez -  (1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora