Chapter 11

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- later that night.

- Ray Ray

We'd all parted ways after rehearsal, it was a quiet night at my house.

It was around seven thirty, Sophia just had her bath and she was playing on the living room floor, and the sound of Sofia The First roamed through the house.

As I cooked my front door opened.

"Seni" Sophia said.

I then didn't worry knowing it was Jesenia.

I heard the two talking and I kept cooking sooner than later Jesenia came in the kitchen.

"You're gonna hate me." she said as she clung her body to me hugging me.

"What. me? Hate you.. No no never." I said as I put my chin on her head.

"Ok so what if I told you I contacted Paris." she said.

My heart stung and I let her go..

"Well if we are talking about Paris Hilton, my wife where is she." I smiled.

She frowned.

"Not .. that .. Paris ... soph's mommy Paris." she looked down.

I remained quiet.

Why? Is all I thought.

"...Now before you -"

"Why senia?" I sighed

"Ok look, I was going to BUT I didn't, she came to me and wanted to see Sophia so -"


"NO! Me and Princeton went to meet with her first hand too see if she was serious so, we sat down and talked we gave her out number and sent her pics and so..."


"We'd been keeping her updated on Sophia and she post to call you ... tonight."

I stopped and looked at her.


I looked at the clock and it was just about 8 o'clock.

"Aaaany minute now." She Murmured.

"JESI-" before I could finish my phone rang.

"Watch the chicken" I said as I walked out on my balcony.

I took a deep breath and answered.


"Ray...its Paris."

"What's up."

"How are you.."

"I'm fine.."

"That's good and my baby?"

"She's great."

"I'm so sorry, I left you too.. I was young I was scared.. I didn't know how to be a mother."

"Okay paris, thats cool... but, Jesenia is doing what you couldn't so -"

"I know and I'm thankful she is, look i just want to meet her, I won't introduce myself as her mom I just wanna hold her."

I guess it wasn't all a bad idea..

I sighed.

"When will you be in LA."

"next week sometime.."

"Ok. we can schedule a day then.."

"Thank you so much Ray thank you, and please thank Jesenia as well..."

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