Chapter 18

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Author's note: Thank you for taking the time to read <3 I really appreciate you all!

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After a dreadful month and a half, my arm can move freely and feel the brisk wind kiss the skin that was once covered by the thick white cast. I wish I can explain the God-Awful smell that comes off when you're finally taking it off. I get it, I mean the sweat and dirt that gets into it — you can't clean it off, my body shutters when I remind myself of the putrid stench.

    If it wasn't for the odor the cast gave off, I might have kept it as a souvenir. After all, the past month was the most memorable. I haven't remembered a time where I felt this good.

    I can remember it just like yesterday. Alex took me to see the most beautiful view, and I got to speak to my dad—something I hadn't done since he passed away. I never cried or laughed as much since then, so it was an unbelievable feeling. 

    The Aurora Borealis was life-changing, surreal. When I close my eyes, I can see it, but more than that, I can see those bewitching charcoal eyes penetrating mine under the green hue that perfectly touched his faultless skin.

    I ended up sleeping on the couch with Alex in front of the fireplace. To his account, I snort—not snore— in my sleep; how embarrassing. But his gesture was appreciated, that night I was exhausted, and the thought of having to hike back down was distressing. After being gently woken up, Alex —who surprisingly knows how to cook—made me Sausages, Gromperekichelcher, some cut up cheese, and slices of toast. Surprisingly that isolated cabin was fully stocked with food.

    I may have thought he was charming me in different circumstances, and he was becoming more than just a friend the past month. However, that would be naive of me, because we both know our roles in this life. I have to remind myself why we're even together. Why he most likely continues to be in my life, because Alex needed me. He wanted my opinions; he wanted to be a great leader.

    So far, we've been doing a great job obtaining the statistics we needed, and Alex has spoken to their financial team to come up with more ideas. He tells me that they're drafting some plans out, and he was going to update me.

"Alex, can I ask you something?" I was feeling brave tonight.

    He doesn't say anything but merely nods, his eyes on the TV screen, today was movie night for us.

    "How many girls have you been with?" My question sparks his attention; he's not concentrated on the TV anymore; he looks up taken aback.

    "What do you mean?" he raised an eyebrow, shifting his body.

    "Exactly what I asked, how many girls have you been with?"

    "I don't keep track of this, Ellie. If you're talking about a serious relationship, then two. If you're talking about dating, then I don't know. A lot." He answers truthfully. There's a moment where he hesitates before he goes back to watching whatever it was.

    "Why are you asking? I thought the tabloids would've answered that question for you already."

    "It's tabloids - I didn't think there's real truth to it."

    Alex chuckles, "says the person who thinks I'm a major jackass that jerks off on my 'throne'"

    I shrugged, he has a point.

    "Aren't you ever afraid that these girls will create some sort of lawsuit or something?"

    "I get them to sign a waiver; usually, when I'm in contact with anyone, there's paperwork," he explained, that I didn't know. It made sense. I mean, I can't imagine everyone had good intentions.

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